結果發現,「會參與」以及「不會參與」便利商店集點活動的族群,在平時(未舉辦集點活動時),分析其購買動機,發現僅特定行動類購買動機下之「靈感的啟發」、「滿足感」、和「禮品的購買」動機,以及特定需求類購買動機下之「商店內的氣氛」和「獨特的品項」動機,二族群在此五項動機上呈現顯著差異。而全部受試者在集點活動期間,除了「獵取折扣」與「商店內的氣氛」二項動機外,其餘九項動機皆較平時呈現顯著變化。當特定便利商店舉辦集點活動時,大學生雖微幅增加飲料、零食、熟食、日用品之消費,但顯著增加者僅於日用品之購買,並顯著減少使用服務。「滿足感」以及「創新的品項」動機與集點行為的線性相關最高並且顯著,而二類購買動機間有交互作用者為「滿足感×商店內的氣氛」、「滿足感×創新的品項」、「獵取折扣×商店內的氣氛」、「獵取折扣×創新的品項」。 The study aims to explore whether shopping motivation of college students may differ due to participating in collecting reward stamps, as well as whether activity-specific motivation and demand-specific motivations may have interactions to moderate the relationship to shopping behavior. Based on the questionnaire developed by Wagner & Rudolph (2010), additional items about shopping behavior at convenience stores were added, and 200 effective questionnaires were used for data analysis.
Results showed when the reward stamp collecting program was not running, participants willingly to participate in the program significantly differed from those who unwillingly to participate on inspiration, gratification, and gift shopping of activity-specific motivation, and store atmosphere and assortment uniqueness of demand-specific motivation. During the reward program running period, their shopping motivation were significant different on 9 out of 11 motivations, excluding bargain hunting and store atmosphere. When a specific convenience store holds a reward stamp collecting period, consumer increased their shopping on snacks, prepared meal, and drinks only slightly, but increased significantly on general merchandise for daily consumption, and reduced the purchase of service. Finally, only 4 interaction effects existed.