本研究目的在探討高科技產業員工在工作價值觀對其創業生涯導向之影響,希望透過資料的蒐集,提供研發人員在生涯中選擇創業時的參考,創造組織與個人生涯上選擇的雙贏。本研究以高科技產業研發員工為研究之對象,並以便利抽樣的方式進行問卷調查,問卷收集使用了300份電子問卷與100份紙本問卷,總共發出400份,回收問卷147份,扣除無效問卷19份,計回收有效問卷為128份,問卷回收率為32%。 本研究透過平均數、標準差、皮爾遜積差相關及逐步階層迴歸的方法等統計方法進行資料分析,分別對高科技產業員工的工作價值觀—目的性價值觀、工具性價值觀對創業之關係進行探討,瞭解變數之預測能力。另外也針對有研發背景的創業家訪談,補足資料的不足。並依據研究結果提出結論與建議。茲將研究結果敘述如下: 1.研究發展人員目的性價值觀的「自我成長」構面對創業精神導向有正向影響 2.研究發展人員目的性價值觀的「自我實現」構面對創業精神導向有正向影響 3.研究發展人員目的性價值觀的「尊嚴」構面對創業精神導向有正向影響 4.研究發展人員工具性價值觀的「安定與免於焦慮」構面對創業精神導向有正向影響 5.研究發展人員目的性價值觀對獨立自主導向有正向影響 6.研究發展人員目的性價值觀的「自我成長」構面對獨立自主導向有正向影響 7.研究發展人員目的性價值觀的「自我實現」構面對獨立自主導向有正向影響 8.研究發展人員工具性價值觀對獨立自主導向有正向影響 9.研究發展人員工具性價值觀的「社會互動」構面對獨立自主導向有正向影響 10.研究發展人員工具性價值觀的「組織安全與經濟」構面對獨立自主導向有正向影響 11.研究發展人員工具性價值觀的「休閒健康與交通」構面對獨立自主導向有正向影響 The aim of this study was to investigate the correlations and predictions among work values and entrepreneurship career orientations of High-tech research and development (R&D) personnels in Taiwan. We had sent out 400 questionnaires and received the returned copy of 147, while the effective number of subjects was 128 with the valid return rate was 32%. The data was analyzed using statistical methods such as descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and multiple stepwise regressions. Major findings of this research are listed as followings: 1. R&D personnel’s terminal value—self-growth has a positive influence on entrepreneurial creativity career orientation 2.R&D personnel’s terminal value—self-actualization has a positive influence on entrepreneurial creativity career orientation 3.R&D personnel’s terminal value—dignity has a positive influence on entrepreneurial creativity career orientation 4.R&D personnel’s instrumental values—stability and freedom from anxiety has a positive influence on entrepreneurial creativity career orientation 5.R&D personnel’s terminal values has a positive effect on autonomy/independencecareer orientation 6.R&D personnel’s terminal value—self-growth has a positive influence on autonomy/ independence career orientation 7.R&D personnel’s terminal value—self-actualization has a positive effect on autonomy/independence career orientation 8.R&D personnel’s instrumental values has a positive effect on autonomy/independence career orientation 9.R&D personnel’s instrumental value—social interaction has a positive impact on autonomy/independence career orientation 10.R&D personnel’s instrumental value—security and economic organization has a positive impact on autonomy/independence career orientation 11.R&D personnel’s instrumental value—leisure health and transport has a positive effect on autonomy/independence career orientation