近年來,企業社會責任(CSR)被視為是持續競爭優勢的來源之一,企業除了落實CSR外,國內外企業更編製CSR報告書,並將資訊揭露在網站上。過去在不同理論脈絡下的CSR揭露實證研究上,公司規模與產業是絕大多數被認為是揭露的主要原因,然而國內外的研究鮮少有學者以縱斷面研究來探討揭露的發展,台灣現有的CSR揭露研究中也缺乏完整的理論模型及具代表性的替代指標來進行影響因素的討論,例如制度理論。因此本研究目的,除了從不同理論面向來探討企業自願揭露企業社會責任資訊的原因外,並辨識影響公司揭露CSR報告書時間早晚的因素。 本研究的樣本取自公開觀測資訊站共1479家上市上櫃公司,資料為2002年到2012年間所有已出版的CSR報告書以及財報資料,並使用迴歸分析與存活分析來檢驗本研究假設。最後結果指出,我國企業自願揭露企業社會責任的影響因素,在企業規模、產業環境敏感度以及海外法人持股比例有顯著正相關,制度壓力是主導台灣整體企業的揭露影響要素,獲利並非揭露的主效果。; In order to address the issues of CSR Disclosure and fill the gaps in the previous research in Taiwan, the specific aims in this study are to identify when the publicly-traded companies are going to disclose CSR Report, and to elucidate some of the theoretical assumptions about why those companies will voluntarily release CSR information. We separate different theories into three dimensions as explanatory factors, which are corporate characteristic, economic performance and external stakeholder pressure. Six hypotheses are developed and empirical methodology is adopted to test the hypotheses. Our data sources come from financial reports and CSR reports on firms' websites. The measurement of CSR Disclosure which is based on a time-series data of 1479 firms from 2002 to 2012 is tested by four analyses, Ordinary Least Square (OLS), panel Logit regression, panel Tobit regression and survival analysis. The findings indicated that firstly, institutional pressure (firm size, environmental sensitive industry and international ownership) still dominates firms' behavior of disclosure. Second, profitability, economic performance, is not a main effect on CSR disclosure. Last, agency theory has never subsided in CSR disclosure and corporate governance.