員工晉升與否取決於主管對於員工晉升力的評估,晉升力評分為員工實際晉升的重要指標,同時影響組織晉升之決策,評估員工的晉升力對員工職涯發展與組織的人力資源管理均相當重要。 影響員工晉升與否的因素涵蓋許多,而主管與部屬關係品質為其中一項因素,主管與部屬關係品質對於晉升力評分有正向影響效果。然而,過去文獻卻顯示二者關係呈現不一致,本研究認為係忽略了時間變數「組織年資(量的工作經驗)」與行為變數「挑戰性工作經驗(質的工作經驗)」的影響。此外,過去鮮少有實證研究同時探討二者對晉升力評分的影響力,因而將二者納入模型作為調節變項,以填補相關研究文獻的不足。 本研究以主管與部屬配對之方式進行問卷填答,樣本取自台灣多元產業,有效問卷144份。本研究採階層迴歸進行分析,探討主管與部屬關係品質對晉升力評分的解釋力,同時關注組織年資與挑戰性工作經驗對上述關係的調節效果。 主效果的分析結果說明,主管與部屬關係品質愈佳,部屬獲得高晉升力評分的機會愈高。三維交互作用則顯示,組織年資與挑戰性工作經驗在主管與部屬關係品質與晉升力評分之間具有調節效果,其中又以富挑戰性工作經驗與組織年資淺的部屬能獲得主管最高的晉升力評分,顯示主管應優先考量晉升該部屬,並給予部屬培養挑戰性工作經驗的機會;部屬則應勇於承接挑戰性的工作以助於追求自身的職涯成功。 本研究有別於過去晉升力評分相關文獻,同時考量質與量的工作經驗的影響並得到存在三維交互作用的驗證。此外,國內研究鮮少探討挑戰性工作經驗對晉升力評分的影響,本研究提供後續相關研究者有東方社會的樣本作為參考。; Employees interested in upward mobility often depend on the evaluations by their supervisors. Promotability ratings is the indicator of actual promotion. Promotability ratings are important for individuals' career development and organizations' human resource management practices. Previous research shows that there are many factors can influence promotability ratings, the relationship with leader is one of them. Leader-member exchange have positive effect on promotability ratings. However, this study found that the effect of LMX on promotibility ratings came out mixed result. Thus, the author suspects that the studies have neglected temporal variables(i.e., organizational tenure) and behavior variables(i.e., challenge job experience), thus resulting in findings that are incomplete and potentially misleading. Moreover, little empirical research has addressed the effect of two of variables on promotibility ratings. This study examined the interaction among LMX、organizational tenure and challenge job experience to fill the insufficient literature in this stream. This study collected input from Taiwanese companies from multiple industries, with 144 valid questionnaires were collected. We primarily adopted analysis of hierarchical regression to test the relationship between leader-member exchange quality and promotability ratings. At the same time, organizational tenure and challenging job experiences were also taken into consideration. The main effect explains that LMX and promotability ratings have significant and positive relation.In addition, three-way interaction also indicate organizational tenure and challenging job experiences moderates the relationship between LMX and promotability ratings. Specifically, the subordinate of challenging job experiences is high and organizational tenure is low who can require the highest promotability ratings. Supervisor should give the priority promotional opportunities to the subordinate and provide the chance to develop challenging work experience. Subordinates should dare to undertake the challenging task for career success. This study fundamentally differed from prior research on assumption of organizational tenure and challenging work experience have effect on LMX and promotability ratings and has been verified the existence of the three-dimensional interaction. Additionally,the domestic research rarely discuss the effect of challenging work experiences on promotability ratings, this study provides a sample of oriental society to researchers.