在全球競爭越來越劇烈的環境之下,組織必須要靠不斷創新去維持競爭能力,才能夠在此環境下生存。除了創新之外,還必須去提升產品的效用,真正地解決客戶的問題以及滿足客戶之需求才能夠脫穎而出。 而組織是一個人與人不斷互動的有機體,又衝突不可避免地會存在於組織當中,因此去了解彼此藉由互動所形成的社會鑲嵌程度如何去影響衝突,並且其對於組織的利與弊是當前迫切的問題。 社會鑲嵌之研究大部分是針對組織與組織間、公司與公司間。鮮少研究針對於組織內部;衝突之間的關係也鮮少有人進行深入的研究;衝突對於組織績效的影響也存在正反面的說法。因此,針對此三項缺口,將進行本研究。 研究之總效果顯示社會鑲嵌對於產品創新以及產品效用都有正向的影響。然而,中介效果表示,雖然社會鑲嵌程度提升,透過關係型衝突,再經由任務型衝突的產生,使得產品創新與效用程度下降。本研究認為,此中介關係可能由於過度鑲嵌的問題使團隊成員關係過於緊密,團隊無法獲得外部資源與資訊,導致任務型衝突下降,使得關於產品的想法沒有經過充分腦力激盪或是真正討論到任務的癥結點,最終讓產品創新以及產品效用下降。 ;In competitive global environment, the enterprises in order to have advantage in competition must to be innovative. Besides, the enterprises not only have to be innovative but also have to enhance the product effectiveness. The organization is an organism established by interaction between members. And the conflict inevitably exists in the organization. Therefore, we have to realize how social embeddedness affects the conflict in the organization. There are many researches about the social embeddedness between firm and firm, but few papers focus on social embeddedness in the team or in the organization. Few empirical researches on the relationship between conflicts, moreover, previous studies on conflicts had pros and cons about the impact of conflict on team performance. According to the research gap, we have to find the context of social embeddedness, conflicts, and the performance. According to the result, the total effect between social embeddedness and product innovation and effectiveness are positive, however, the mediation effect shows if enhance the level of social embeddedness, the product innovation and effectiveness will decline through the relationship conflict and task conflict. According to the outcome, over embeddedness is the reason why product innovation and effectiveness will go down.