在跨功能部門別的產品開發團隊中,團隊成員的互動一直是過去研究關注的焦點。團隊組成的多元性對於衝突的影響有著不一致的看法。根據過去文獻,團隊中存在不同部門領域的成員,容易造成意見不合而導致衝突。但是,若團隊成員彼此專業性明確且專精,容易使得成員間增加彼此訊息交換,而增加心理安全感,降低衝突的發生。本研究試圖透過實證研究分析並探討團隊組成多元性對於任務型衝突的影響,並找到其影響機制。以及另外探討以專案複雜性程度的差異是否對於團隊多元性與任務型衝突之間的關係存在影響。 本研究針對台灣製造業廠商為主要研究主體,並以曾經參與過新產品開發專案的專案人員為研究對象,所得有效樣本為166份。根據實證研究結果發現,團隊組成多元性會透過資訊分享的增加而提高心理安全感,並降低任務型衝突的發生。而在專案特性的複雜度提高的情形下,會顯著削弱團隊組成多元性對於資訊分享的正向影響,而導致任務型衝突增加。 ;In the cross-functional NPD Team, the interaction among team members has always been the focus in the past researches. Papers have different arguments about the effect of functional diversity on conflict. According to the papers done before, a team is composed of the members that come from various departments. Such a situation is prone to causing conflicts because the team members do not always reach a consensus. However, if the special field of each team member can be clearly different from others, their distinction will be more likely to increase their information sharing, which enhances the psychological safety and diminishes the possibilities of conflicts. This research attempts to explore the effect of functional diversities on task conflict through experiments and analysis, and seeks for its influential mechanism. In addition, this paper also probes into whether the degree of project complexity affects the relationship between functional diversity and task conflict. This research chooses Taiwanese manufacturers as the research topic. Those who have ever taken part in new product development projects are chosen as the research subjects. The total of the effective samples is 166. According to the experimental result, we examine that the psychological safety is mediated higher by functional diversity through the increase of information sharing; meanwhile, task conflict will be less likely to take place. However, as the degree of project complexity gets higher, the positive effect of information sharing will be lessened by functional diversity, causing the increase of task conflict.