本研究欲以個人不同社會比較之動機來區別出不同族群,並且以參考團體不同影響機制來劃分出三種類型之參考團體,探討不同個人會如何受至不同團體影響其團購決策及行為。本研究以團購美食為研究情境,畢竟食品是種普遍且人人都對此有需求之商品,除此之外,近幾年,團購風潮尉為盛行,無論是公司組織或是校園內三五好友發起的團購活動都屢見不鮮,尤以美食商品最受大眾歡迎,參與度最高,且參與的族群最為廣泛。組織內團購時,團體成員考量到的究竟是自己真心喜歡且需要此商品才參與團購?亦或只是基於人情壓力,或是被有說服力的資訊所影響,而「從眾」跟隨團購?本研究將以從眾理論進行個人及團體間影響的團購決策之假設推論及探討。 本研究以問卷統計進行實證研究分析,以網路發行問卷方式對各消費族群進行調查。本研究回收有效問卷共360份。其中,實際參與團購的問卷樣本共有225份,填答參與意願之樣本共有135份。經由實證發現,社會比較動機中之自我強化與團購從眾有負向顯著關係,再者,價值表現型參考團體對團購從眾有正向顯著影響力。以及,社會比較動機中自我評估傾向越高者,越會受資訊型參考團體影響而從眾。最後,社會比較動機中自我改善傾向越高者,越會受功利型參考團體影響而從眾。 有別於過去文獻只提及參考團體對從眾效應有正向顯著影響的論述與分析,本研究將參考團體細分類型,並一一細究其與不同類型個人之間影響關係,以有別以往分析角度的方式去作更詳細地推論及探討。 ;The purpose of this paper is to explore the interact impact of individuals and different reference groups and then impact the group-buying decisions and behaviors.The study situation is target at group-buying for foods as everyone all needs this kind of commodities, further more, it is also a popular activity in the organization or school in the recent years.Especially, group-buying for foods is the most common and the participants involved in the most widely. Do people join the group-buying based on a voluntary basis, social pressure, or just be persuaded to follow the group by some enrich information? This research is mainly using questionnaire empirical study for analyzing. The investigation was conducted on the website for anyone who owns the questionnaire website link. We collected 360 effective questionnaires. Through the empirical result, the alignments of self enhancement have a negative impact on the group-buying for food. Second, value-expressed reference groups have a positive impact on the group-buying for food. Third, the interaction between self-evaluation individuals and information reference groups has a positive impact on the group-buying for food. Final, the interaction between self-improvement individuals and utilitarian reference groups has a positive impact on the group-buying for food. Previous researches focused on reference groups have a significant impact on conformity behaviors; however, this paper categorized the reference group by their different mechanisms and individuals by the different motives of social comparison. In this research, we discussed the interaction effect with individuals and reference groups on group-buying for foods in a more detail and clear way.