員工之組織行為是相當複雜的,不能僅以單一因素考量,而由過去諸多的研究可發現,探討組織行為必須同時考量個人與情境因素。參考Turner (1960)員工向上流動或職涯發展的研究認為惟有將競爭性移動系統與贊助性移動系統聯合後產生的交互作用效果來預測員工的職涯成功,才可能會有較高的預測效果。因此,在員工職涯發展的過程中,除了員工個人績效表現外,LMX亦是影響關鍵因子。 本研究採跨產業樣本蒐集之方式,主要來自49家企業,共回收176份有效問卷。本研究將員工績效區分為任務性績效與適應性績效,亦分別採用晉升力評分(傳統職涯成功)與移動力評分(組織內無疆界職涯成功),以期探討員工於任務性績效與適應性績效對主管給予部屬在兩種職涯成功的解釋力,同時關注LMX對上述關係間存在的調節效果。 研究結果發現,任務性績效與適應性績效分別對於晉升力評分和移動力評分間具有顯著的關連性,而在LMX在任務性績效上分別對晉升力評分和移動力評分間的關係具有負向調節效果,且LMX在適應性績效上分別對晉升力評分和移動力評分的關係具有正向調節效果,顯示LMX會影響員工績效與職涯成功間的關係,故組織應正視LMX對於員工組織行為的影響力。 ;Organizational behavior is quite complicated. As previous literature reviewed, both sutiational and individual factors should be taken into consideration when we discussed organizational behavior. We have found that job performance and LMX are two key elements indicating employee’s career success , as refer to Tuner (1960) mentioned in the report which can successfully forecast the organizational behavior by the interaction of contest and sponsor mobility. In this study, 176 valid questionnaires from 49 companies in different industries were collected for data analysis. After literatures reviewed, this study divided job performance into two factors, task performance and adaptive performance .And we was aimed to find out the relationship of promotability rating (traditional career success) and mobility rating (intra-boundaryless career success) with these two factors and focus on the moderating effect of LMX between job performance and career success at the same time. Based on the result of this survey, the main effect explained that job performance and career success consisted significant and positive relation. And we also found LMX can moderate the relationship between job performance and career success. So we need to pay attention to the impact to employee’s behavior by LMX in the organization.