在社群網站上,品牌知名度是最能影響顧客參與及購買決策的因素。顧客參與主要著重於消費者及其需求上,以求能和消費者有所互動;其中,以消費者觀點出發的線上廣告能讓其表達對該廣告的感覺,並進而影響消費者購買決策。又行銷與顧客參與皆是以消費者為核心的觀點,在社群媒體上,消費者對廣告的點擊次數,及其購買行為皆能用以評鑑消費者對於社群廣告的感覺。本篇研究以美國汽車公司在YouTube上發佈的綠能汽車影片廣告為主,探討品牌知名度、廣告態度與廣告特徵三者在YouTube上對顧客參與度的影響。 研究結果顯示,汽車是否具備綠能並非主要影響因素,此外,研究結果也顯示,YouTube影片上的「觀看次數」顯著影響顧客參與度。而大多數綠色汽車影片在YouTube的「喜歡」與「不喜歡」指標亦顯著影響顧客參與度。然而,廣告特徵指標「影片長度」對顧客參與度並無顯著影響。本研究的結果可供廣告者在用YouTube做廣告時作為參考,其可與相關的社群媒體廣告公司合作,增加其在廣告上的說服力、吸引潛在消費者,並辨認出最重要的產品屬性,將這些產品屬性完整呈現出來。當消費者能在廣告上獲得效益時,其會更願意購買該產品或服務。;Because brand awareness and ad attitudes are important factors in customer’s engagement and customer’s purchasing decision, this research aims to investigate the relationships among brand awareness, ad attitudes and ad features to customer engagement on YouTube. While the number of views was used to measure brand awareness in this study, the numbers of likes and dislikes were used to measure ad attitudes. Meanwhile, comments, shares, and subscription driven were used to measure customer engagement on YouTube. This study also conducted an empirical study of green automobile videos on YouTube. The results indicate that green or non-green messages delivered by video advertisement had no significant impacts on customer engagement. Similarly, ad features such as the length of video also had no significant impact on customer engagement. On the other hand, brand awareness and ad attitudes played important role to engage customers on YouTube. Hence, green car products should improve the numbers of views and likes on YouTube in order to increase customer engagement on video advertisements.