二十年前,台灣大量出口各式各樣的加工產品,其中五金製品亦占據很高的比例,表面加工處理的需求日漸增加,也帶動塗裝產業的蓬勃發展。在經歷過2008年的景氣低迷,許多企業應聲倒閉,抵擋住衝擊而現存的塗裝加工廠商皆有一番能耐,本研究挑選「正鼎精密有限公司」作為個案公司,進行深入探討。 本研究採用質性研究方法,分為兩個階段,首先針對個案公司進行觀察及訪談,並整理出數種不同的議題,包括: 1. 產品品質 2. 影響交期的因素 3. 訂單分佈及單價與利潤公式 4. 客戶自行投資設備與委外加工的成本考量 5. 人力資源 6. 其他產業內相關的議題 第二階段則根據前述所整理出之結果,應用商業模式圖來探討過去由大批量生產逐漸轉變為相對少量且多樣化的商業模式之間的差異,也探討因應大批量代工的客戶轉而自行投資生產設備所衍生出的顧問服務商業模式。 由於研究深入瞭解國內中小型塗裝產業個案公司,也點出產業內普遍所面臨的困境,再將第一階段的研究結果,進行商業模式的靜態及動態分析,豐富塗裝產業相關的研究結論,此為本研究之兩項貢獻,以利未來研究做更進一步的探討。 ;20 years ago, Taiwan exported a wide range of processing products. Among all, hardware products took up a very high proportion; the demand for processing surface had been increasing gradually, hence it stimulated the development of coating industry. Many companies have closed down during the depression in 2008. Those coating firms that have survived through the depression showed a certain level of capability. “ChenTing” was chosen to be the targeting company for this research. Qualitative methods was used in this study, it divided into two stages. First, we observed and interviewed the company and generalized some themes as follows: 1. Quality of products. 2. Factors that affects delivery periods. 3. Distribution of orders, price decision, and profit formula of products. 4. The consideration related to cost of customers, between investing equipment and out sourcing. 5. Human resources. 6. Other themes. Second, according to the result above, Business Model Canvas was applied to discuss the differences between the mass production in the past and the lower production yet diverse business style nowadays. This research also discuss about how consultant service business model was developed from the changes of mass OEM to self-investment on production equipment. Due to the in- depth research of medium and small size coating companies in Taiwan, it pointed out the challenges they are facing. Conducted the analysis of static and dynamic in business model according to the results of first stage and enriched the conclusions of the coating industry research are two contributions from this research that can beneficial for future researches.