本研究旨在瞭解製造業直接員工福利滿意與組織承諾間之關係。本研究以製造業直接員工為本研究之研究對象進行問卷調查,共計發出600份問卷,有效樣本為455份。研究結果發現: 一、製造業直接員工其員工福利在各項經濟性福利部分,有提供多於未提供。在工時性福利部分,未提供多於有提供。在設施性福利部分,則較不一定。在娛樂及輔導性福利部分,有提供多於未提供。 二、製造業直接員工其員工福利滿意現況依序為「經濟性福利」、「娛樂及輔導性福利」、「設施性福利」、「工時性福利」;在組織承諾上,製造業直接員工組織承諾現況依序為「留任承諾」、「情感承諾」。 三、不同個人背景資料變項中之婚姻狀況、薪資等變項對員工福利滿意的影響較大。 四、不同個人背景資料變項中之年齡、薪資等變項對員工組織承諾的影響較大。 五、員工福利滿意對組織承諾具有部分正向顯著影響。 ;The study is to understand the relationship between the satisfaction of employee welfare and the commitment of organization in manufacturing. There are 600 shares of questionnaire surveying through the direct employees, and with 455 shares of effective samples, the results are as follow: 1.Manufacturing provides most of economic welfares, and entertained and tutorial welfares to their direct employees whereas provides a small part of working-hour welfares. Facility welfares are contingent. 2.The ranking of the satisfaction of employee welfare sequentially are economic welfare, entertained and tutorial welfare, facility welfare, and working-hour welfare; the ranking of the commitment of organization sequentially are retained commitment and emotional commitment. 3.The marriage conditions and salaries are significant influences on the satisfaction of employee welfare 4.Ages and salaries are significant influences on the commitment of organization. 5.The satisfaction of employee welfare is partially significant influences on the commitment of organization within positive way.