在知識經濟時代,企業非常重視人力資本是否能完全展現其價值,因此,企業人力資源管理政策大多著重於使員工展現高績效行為,並從中投資相當多心力及成本,但如果企業未明確讓員工瞭解其職涯展望或員工本身不清楚職涯方向而離職時,則必定造成企業人力資本流失。 本研究主要探討員工職涯展望強度對工作滿意度之影響,及對其工作績效及離職傾向又將如何展現。研究方法以問卷調查法蒐集樣本資料,以T公司維修及運務部門員工為對象,採用電子問卷方式研究其對於公司所設計之職涯展望感受是否適洽,推導到工作滿意度,進而會不會反應到工作績效及離職傾向,並以統計方法進行相關與迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示,員工職涯展望強度將透過工作滿意度影響其工作績效及離職傾向,當公司無法提供員工職涯展望計劃,員工可能因缺乏發展及學習成長機會而影響其工作滿意度,並透過工作滿意與否反應到工作績效及離職傾向之行為展現。 因此,企業除了著重使員工展現高績效行為之外,亦應重視員工之職涯發展,提供學習發展機會,並給予回饋與幫助,讓員工在組織內找到適合自己發展的方向與職涯路徑,此舉將提升員工對工作滿意度,並可確保員工對其組織的貢獻,才能為企業帶來更深沉且持續的價值。;Organizations invest many efforts in HRM policies hoping to enhance employees high performance work behaviors and create values for companies. However, if employees do not know their career directions or the organization does not provide employees with career development opportunities, it is a loss for the company because employees would tend to leave. Thus, this study examines how career development is related to job satisfaction, job performance and turnover intention by collecting samples from the Maintenance and Operation departments of Company T. Results indicate that the relationships of career development to both job performance and turnover intention would be influenced by job satisfaction. That is, when a company fails to provide employees with career development, not only job satisfaction but also job performance and turnover intention are affected due to the lack of learning and development opportunities. This study concludes that organizations should not only focus on employees high performance work behaviors, but also provide employees with career development opportunities and feedback. By doing so, employees could have a clear career development direction which could in turn lead to an increase in job satisfaction and create more value for companies.