摘要: | 人才的數量與品質攸關企業的競爭力,而「尋才不易」是企業共通的問題,目前人才短缺與外流是企業面臨的雙重困境,尋才困難度越來越高,應有效吸引、精確評估、持續發掘、型塑人才,讓人才策略能與營運發展跟組織目標結合,進而提高組織之競爭優勢。 很多學者研究,當人力資源部門的功能朝著策略方向發展時,身為策略夥伴(Ulrich,1997)的人力資源從業人員,為更進一步協助企業突破困境,從事人力資源素質的提升,應擘劃最適切且有效的方案為企業覓得好人才,並提供適當的誘因與激勵,吸引並留住優秀人才。 目前金融產業採行之招募徵才專案,例如,儲備幹部(Management Associate,MA)、儲備行員、儲備業務主管…等,即是一種協助企業組織突破人才困境之策略性招募方式,不論是不是關鍵職缺,在競爭人才的時代,運用尋職者重視的關鍵因素,制訂有效的誘因機制以提升組織吸引力,進而研擬有效的招募徵才規劃,包括,明確的職缺工作設計、同業薪資調查統計數據、非財務性獎酬、教育訓練的週期、職涯發展的願景,以增進人才吸引力,並運用創新和差異化的行銷方式,激發尋職者積極的尋職動機、促進失業者再就業的意願或誘發已就業者再尋職活動,達到企業渴望的招募徵才能有立竿見影成效。 本研究不僅從理論嚴謹地推導,並自回收之133份有效問卷分析之後,以描述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、迴歸分析,發現策略性招募規畫對於徵才效益有正面顯著影響,進而達成人才加值、企業增值、國家經濟產值再攀升之綜效。 ;The amount and the quality of talents is critical for keeping competitive advantages due to companies nowadays face problems of talent shortage and brain drain. To handle the difficulty of finding talents, companies should attract talents effectively, conduct accurate assessment, and continuously develop and shape talents along with organizational operation strategy to enhance competitive advantages. Researchers found that when HR department is facilitating organization along with organizational strategic directions, HR employees tend to work as strategic partners to increase human resource capabilities, set plans for searching talents effectively, and provide motivation projects to attract and retain key talents. Recruiting projects in financial industry, such as management associate, management sales trainee, etc, are strategic recruiting methods. Other recruiting methods, which based on key factors of job seeker cares about and applying appropriate incentive mechanisms, can raise organizational attractiveness to attract talents. Clear work design, compensation survey data, non-monetary rewards, and training and development are examples for attracting talents. By using innovative marketing methods to motivate job seekers looking for jobs, organizations can strengthen talent attractiveness. With 133 valid questionnaires and regression analysis, this study concludes that strategic recruiting plan is positively related to recruitment benefits, which in turn increasing company talent pools and so as the national gross domestic product. |