近十年來,許多企業透過社群網站經營品牌社群,期望藉以提高顧客品牌忠誠度,卻常因為無法正確衡量社群使用者所重視的價值或需求,降低其對於品牌社群內容的注意,因而失去經營社群與消費者溝通的意義。本研究即採用顧客知覺價值、源自於使用與滿足理論的自我概念滿足以及品牌熟悉度作為正向影響使用者對於品牌社群承諾的前置因素,並且加入品牌依附作為品牌社群承諾到品牌忠誠度的中介影響。 海峽兩岸經貿往來頻繁,面對廣大市場商機,品牌該如何透過社群經營成功地打入兩岸消費者的心,因此本研究針對台灣Facebook粉絲專頁及中國新浪企業微博,透過網路問卷對於品牌社群粉絲進行調查,共回收508份有效問卷。以結構方程式分析結果發現,功能價值僅部分正向顯著影響品牌社群承諾,情感價值、社會價值、自我概念滿足以及品牌熟悉度皆呈現正向顯著影響品牌社群承諾,並且發現使用者對於品牌社群的承諾需要透過品牌依附做為中介進而形成品牌忠誠度。此外,台灣及中國地區使用者對於品牌熟悉度影響其品牌社群承諾呈現顯著差異。本研究希望透過假設驗證結果及分析,以供日後品牌操作線上社群參考。 ;In recent decade, many companies operated brand pages in social networking sites (SNSs) for the purpose of enhancing customer loyalty to the brand. However, companies often failed to communicate with the customers due to failure of getting the correct information of consumer’s real needs and demands, which distracted their attention to the content of the brand pages. This research provides a model on the basis of customer perceived value, self-concept gratification based on the uses and gratifications theory and brand familiarity as the antecedents of customers′ commitment to brand pages. Furthermore, brand attachment mediates the relationship of brand commitment and brand loyalty. The market between China and Taiwan has been developing rapidly. Facing this great economical potential, it is vital how brand operating brand pages can attract the consumers of China and Taiwan. A wed survey that conducted on “followers” of brand pages is mainly aimed at Sina Microblog in China and fan pages on Facebook in Taiwan with the 508 valid samples. Based on the structural equation modeling, the result reveals that the functional value has partially positive impact on brand page commitment. The emotional value, social value, self-concept gratification and brand familiarity all have a positive impact on brand page commitment. Brand attachment plays a crucial role of mediating the relationship between brand page commitment and brand loyalty. The impact of brand familiarity on brand page commitment is different from country to country, in this case, China and Taiwan. By validating these assumptions, this research provides a marketing recommendation on brand page operating for the purpose of improving the communication between the company and consumers.