在2014年台灣軟體市場中企業解決方案(Solution)佔了六成,為最大宗交易產品,但在銷售此類產品時仍大多依賴有經驗的銷售人員,缺少一套企業可以參考的模式,因此本研究針對資訊服務市場中的解決方案做出定義並探討其行銷歷程,利用文獻分析法發展出一套資訊方案(IS Solution)之行銷歷程,包含銷售前置階段、軟體及顧問評選階段、承諾階段、執行階段共四個階段,以及商品資訊獲得、顧客需求定義、明確表達購買意圖、報價、簽約、導入、結案、修正調整共八項關鍵事件,完整描述企業在交易資訊方案時的流程。 除此之外,本研究針對歷程中銷售前置階段的買賣關係建立發展了一套模型,試圖了解資訊方案銷售中買賣雙方如何建立關係。根據模型結果顯示,行銷人員特質與軟體顧問能力會直接影響行銷推廣活動及技術能量展示,而行銷推廣活動與技術能量展示必須透過軟體品牌形象才能對買賣關係建立產生正向影響,由此可見品牌形象在資訊方案銷售中的重要性。 ;Solutions, account for 60% of the 2014 software market in Taiwan, are the important part of transaction products in IT services industry. But when companies sell these products, most of them rely on experienced employee. We can found that companies lack of a model they can consult. Therefore this study defines the solutions in IT services industry and develops a process of how do solutions are transacted. As the result, we finally get a marketing process of IS solution (Information system solution). It can be divided into four stages, including pre-sale stage, software and consultant selection stage, commitment stage and execution stage. Among these four stages, there are also eight key events including information acquirement, customer demand definition, buying intention confirmation, quotation, sign a contract, execution, close a case and support. In order to understand how buyers and suppliers establish their relationship, the study build a model which focus on pre-sale stage. As the model result, it shows that characteristics of marketing personnel affect marketing promotion directly. Capabilities of software consultant affect energy of technology display directly. Marketing promotion and energy of technology display can affect buyer-supplier relationship building through brand image. We can found that brand image play an important role in the process of selling IS solution.