摘要: | 近來追隨力相關研究成為管理學領域中的一項新研究議題,隨著商業環境與組織型態的變遷,使得追隨者在組織中所發揮的效益,逐漸受到重視;然而,目前在華人社會的發展中,內隱追隨力相關研究仍較為稀缺,本研究目的為了解領導者個體內心認知「追隨者模式」,並建立華人社會內隱追隨力量表。 本研究主要透過量表建立的三個步驟來發展內隱追隨力量表。步驟一:透過學者、人力資源領域實務專家與管理學院研究生,進行測量題項編寫與確認性歸類,發展共24題測量題項。步驟二:將蒐集之264份有效樣本進行探索性因素分析,內隱追隨力測量題項由24題收斂至21題,分析結果之KMO值為0.946,累積變異量為72.642%,因此,初步確立內隱追隨力量表共四大構面,認真盡責、尊敬順從、顧全大局與出謀獻策。步驟三:本研究另外蒐集含括台灣與大陸之研究樣本,回收有效問卷共253份,進行驗證性因素分析,第一階四個追隨力因素模式與第二階因素模式六項指標皆顯示兩者屬於良好適配,並且具有良好的收斂效度、區別效度、信度與效標關聯效度;但就整體指標適配情形而言,第二階因素模式的各項指標略高於第一階四個相關因素模式,並且符合本研究之理論模式,故採用第二階因素模式。最後,本研究以「積極主動—主動」、「行動—價值信念」為兩軸,以此作為內隱追隨力之概念向度之分類,分成四大象限:1. 認真盡責、2. 尊敬順從、3. 顧全大局、4. 出謀獻策。 本研究之結果有助於提供組織或主管作為人才辨識工具,進而應用在人才管理、接班人計劃與職涯管理等;除此之外,亦可協助主管建立一套心目中理想的內隱追隨力,盡可能以同一套標準檢視每一位追隨者,避免個人偏誤的發生。;In recent years, followership is a new research phenomenon in management field. In a dramatic change of business environments and organizations, the benefits of followers in an organization become more important. However, the lack of implicit followership related research in the Chinese context. The study aims to provide a systematic framework associated with leaders’ personal assumptions about the traits and behaviors toward followers, and develop a valid measure of implicit followership in Chinese society. The study built on three stages. In Stage 1, after confirmatory categorization process, 24 measurement items were developed. In Stage 2 and Stage 3, through survey process, we collected 264 and 253 samples (Samples in stage 3 which includes Taiwanese and Chinese organizations) respectively. The results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis indicated four dimensions, includes Industrious, Following leaders, Team-oriented, and Suggesting (We also abbreviate to IFTs). Not only first-order four-factor model, but also the second-order model supported with good model-fitness. Thus, we decided to adopt the second-order model, which combined the four dimensions of implicit followership. Evidence also supported with convergent validity, discriminant validity, and criterion-related validity. Lastly, we used proactive versus active and action versus belief as two axes, and developed a model of implicit followership including four quadrants, Industrious, Following leaders, Team-oriented, and Suggesting, respectively. This newly developed measure would be a tool provide organization or supervisor for talent identification, and talent management, succession-plan, career management as well. In addition, this findings suggest that supervisor could establish one ideal implicit followership in their mind, and base on the same system to examine every followers to avoid individual errors. |