績效薪制度是在人力資源管理領域中常被討論到的課題,績效薪制度除了會直接的影響組織績效、個人績效、員工個人績效之外,更會影響到員工行為的源頭-工作動機。同樣,在過去許多研究對於外在獎酬是否削弱內在動機眾說紛紜。因此,本研究主要探討績效薪對於員工內在及外在工作動機之影響。此外,在公司實施策略時,組織文化的議題往往是會影響到各個策略,而組織文化除了對於工作動機有所影響之外,更有可能會影響外在獎酬對於工作動機的關聯性。因此,本研究同時會探討組織文化對於績效薪與工作動機關聯性之調節效果。 本研究採用問卷調查方式,針對金融保險產業以及傳直銷產業之業務人員為研究對象,問卷發放方式一律採用線上填答方式來進行。本研究方法採用相關及迴歸模型分析績效薪對內、外在工作動機的影響,並探討組織文化的調節效果。 研究結果顯示,績效薪對員工的內、外在工作動機皆存在正面影響。而當組織強調支持性組織文化時會增強績效薪資對於內在及外在工作動機之關聯性。若當組織強調創新型組織文化時則會增強績效薪對內在工作動機之關聯性。 ;Pay for performance is a controversial issue for human resources management. Pay for performance can not only influence on organizational performance, team performance and individual performance, it also can have effect on work motivation. In the past, the relationship between extrinsic rewards and motivations has been argued for a long time. Therefore, this study will discuss the relationship between pay for performance and motivation. In addition, organizational culture will influence on organizational strategies. Organizational culture is a factor to influence on work motivations. Furthermore, organizational culture may moderate between pay for performance and motivation. To sum up, we have two purposes in this study. 1. The relationship between pay for performance and work motivation 2. The relationship between pay for performance and work motivation- the moderating effect of organizational culture. This research used internet questionnaire to investigate the moderating effect of organizational culture between pay for performance and employee′s motivation. This study focused on sales in multilevel marketing and Financial and Insurance industry. Correlation analysis and regression analysis are used to test the effects of pay for performance on employee′s motivation, and the moderating role of organizational culture.