隨著資訊通訊科技的進步與全球化市場的趨勢,虛擬團隊為了滿足組織快速協調各地區成員的需要而產生,虛擬團隊因時空的距離,主要透過協同科技進行互動,但由於虛擬團隊缺乏面對面的溝通,在知識分享上相較一般團隊困難,故透過情境化能驅使虛擬組織達成知識分享。如何運用協同科技讓虛擬團隊的互動過程達成情境化的效果,進而達成知識分享便是個重要課題,故本研究透過文獻參考,觀察科技設計者如何設計協同科技來協助虛擬組織。;With the development of ICT industry and companies expansion globally, organizations are turning now to the virtual team since it can leverage their resource. Virtual teams mainly accomplish the task through collaboration technology for the sake of distance, time and cultural differences. Due to the lack of face-to-face communication, there is a possibility of knowledge sharing difficulties among members in virtual team. It is reasonable to support that virtual team can facilitate knowledge sharing through communicated context. This paper is intended as an observation of the design principles of collaboration technology in order to facilitate knowledge sharing in virtual team.