隨著Web2.0的興起,資訊不再像過去侷限於需要面對面的傳遞,越來越多人可以自由地在網路上發表對於產品或服務的使用經驗,消費者也能利用網路搜尋他人分享的產品評論,網路已成為消費者獲得資訊和意見分享的最主要的管道,現在的消費者大多會在購買商品前透過網路評論來協助購買決策,然而隨著時間的推移,網路評論的篇數越來越多,內容也都不盡相同,然而並不是每篇評論對於消費者的購買決策都是具有幫助,因此替消費者從中找出具有助益性的評論或是撰寫一篇有用的評論就顯得非常重要。 因此,本文試圖透過文獻回顧彙整出影響評論助益性之因素,並探討其因素對於幫助性之關係。本研究整理出在評論的訊息內容(深度與字數、評價、數量、品質、極端性與星級評等)、產品類型(搜尋型產品與經驗型產品、享樂型產品與實用型產品)、訊息傳遞者(創新特質、專業程度)皆會影響消費者評估評論助益性。 ;With the developed of the Internet, the information no longer limited to transmit face-to-face. Consumer can acquire product information and online review from the internet. Online product reviews are important determinants of consumers’ purchase decision. Consumers suppose that online reviews or electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is more useful because they generally trust peer consumers more than advertisers. However, the number of reviews on the Internet, consumers are hard to identify whether the online review is helpful or not. Therefore, this study tried to figure out how to evaluate the helpfulness of online reviews. This study use “ helpfulness” and ”online review ” for keyword to search for eWOM direct-related literatures. We sorted out the contents of the review characteristics (review depth and word count, quantity, quality, valence, review extremity and star rating), product type (search products and experience products, hedonic products vs utilitarian Product), reviewer characteristics (innovativeness , expertise) will influence the consumer to evaluate online reviews.