在網際網路和電子商務的蓬勃發展下,人們對網路的依賴程度大幅提升,網路上買賣東西已經是稀鬆平常的事,但許多消費者還是會擔心害怕在網路上交易,除了產品無法觸及的不確定性感外還有賣家的不確定性。因此,消費者時常藉由閱讀網路產品評論以及評價,來降低購買程序中的不安及不確定性。 本研究將網路產品評論型式分為兩種,文章型評論以及星等型評論,探討其對消費者的有效性,以及是否受到產品類別(經驗性、搜尋性)、評論性質(正、負評論)、知覺負荷的影響。 本研究實證結果發現,文章型評論比起星等型評論確實對消費者較有效,而此有效性受到產品類別、評論性質的調節,文章型評論比起星等型評論確實容易出現知覺負荷,進而降低消費者的有效性。 ;Internet and e-Commerce has become popular recently in the world. People’s dependence on network has increased significantly, trading on the internet is no longer difficult instead its usual. But a lot of customers still worry about trading on the internet, the uncertainty of products and sellers is the vital reason. Therefore, the consumer will search product reviews and valuations on web to reduce the felling of disturbed and uncertainty. This paper divides online product reviews into two types, article and star ratings. Study the effectiveness of consumer who had read the reviews, and figure out that whether or not the following variable can affect the effectiveness, including product type (experience good, search good), review nature (positive, negative), cognitive load. We found that article reviews are more effective to consumers, and the effective can be affected by product type and reviews nature. Article reviews have cognitive load, and it will reduce the effectiveness of customers.