近年來政府「金融3.0政策」希望促使國內銀行發展數位金融服務,以趕上國際數位金融化的趨勢,然而銀行要擺脫過往傳統分行策略,轉而投入數位化發展勢必要考慮諸多因素,因此如何找出台灣地區銀行發展數位銀行之關鍵因素是首要目標,才能使台灣銀行發展數位金融化的阻力變小,因此本研究以五大構面,消費者、實體分行、金融科技、組織內部與外部環境作為探討銀行在轉型數位銀行的過程中,其五大構面之間的相互影響性與發展評估的因素。經專家訪談與統計分析發現,金融服務便利性會受制於資訊安全與法令限制的影響,通路數位化與金融科技對於銀行轉型數位銀行具有關鍵性影響。;In recent years, the government claim "financial 3.0 policy" hope prompted domestic Bank develop digital financial service in order to caught up with a trend of international digital financial, while Banks of Taiwan used to focus on the traditional branch strategy, instead develop the digital finance strategy. So how to find the key factors of developing digital Bank of Taiwanese bank is primary target. Thus this research according the reference to make five dimensions, which consist of consumers, entity branch, financial technology, organization and external environment to study when during the process of bank transformation, the five major dimensions of interaction between factors and development assessments. Through expert interviews and statistical analysis, development of the digital finance would be subject to the financial services information security and Statute of limitations, but digital channel and fintech will have a vital impact on digital banking development in Taiwan.