根據本研究結果,建議未來組織可多實施職涯管理措施,不但能協助員工規劃職涯,更能提升員工之職涯滿意,另外,組織亦可依員工職涯傾向不同提供不同的職涯管理措施,以達到實施職涯管理措施的最大效用。 ;The purpose of this study is to examined the relationship between career management practice and career satisfaction, and understand the interference effect of career intention on these two variables.
Surveys from 351 employees were analyzed using CFA, correlation, regression to explore relationships between the variables.
The results suggested that the implementation of career management practice is related to employees’ career satisfaction positively in organizations, either career planning practice or cultivation of talent practice. Besides, the relationship between career planning and satisfaction was positively moderated by protean career( self-directed). Finally, the relationship between cultivation of talent and career satisfaction was negatively moderated by protean career( self-directed) and boundaryless mindset(physical movement). In the end of this article, some implications and limitations are discussed.