有機栽種為對環境及自然生態尊重且保護之一栽種方式,鑒於近年來食安風暴頻傳,民眾對於有機食品的需求也日益增強。本研究透過資料視覺化、群集分析及關聯分析探討有機食品消費與疾病死亡率之相關資料。亦從資料視覺化部分了解有機消費、死亡率與兩者間相關性,透過熱圖、地圖、散佈圖等三種圖表一覽台灣在2014、2015年間疾病死亡率分群情形及有機消費樣貌。過去,相關研究皆以問卷形式進行研究分析,有別於以往研究以問卷調查消費者對有機食品消費習性,本研究藉由財政部電子資訊中心所提供之電子發票交易明細及政府公開資料平台之各疾病死亡人數數據進行相關分析。經由散佈圖呈現數據及群集分析和關聯分析後,除帕金森氏病外,其餘八種疾病皆呈現負相關性。更值得注意的是,在關聯分析當中,心臟疾病及氣管、支氣管和肺癌呈現顯著性,可以說有機食品消費與此二類疾病間呈現顯著負相關性。本研究之結論除了能夠提供政府作為發展有機農業政策之依據外,更重要的是促進國民對於有機食品的認識及了解有機食品對於健康方面的影響。;Organic is a way of respecting and protecting our environment. In the light of the food safety issues have been arisen in recent years in Taiwan, the demand of organic food from people in Taiwan has been increasing. With the assistance of data visualization, clustering analysis and correlation analysis, the major purpose of this research was tried to figure out the organic food expenditure and the disease mortality rate from the perspectives of the visual analytics. In the past, research regarded on the issue between the organic food and health was conducted through the questionnaire and the relevant research was scarce in Taiwan. Instead of distributing the questionnaire, this research utilizes the E-invoice data retrieved from Fiscal Information Agency and the raw data of death tolls from government open data platform in Taiwan. Through the scatter plot, clustering analysis and the correlation analysis, result of this research demonstrated that except the Parkinson’s disease, all the disease had a negative correlation among mortality rate and organic food expenditure, which means that consuming higher organic food would have relatively lower mortality rate of disease. Especially, heart disease and malignant trachea, bronchus and lung had significantly negative correlation. With the findings of this research, it can provide Taiwan government as an evidence to increase the hectare of organic agriculture since consuming more organic foods will be healthier.