味覺能直接影響我們對於食物的評價,在過去眾多研究發現,各種感官因素也能影響我們對於食物的選擇與評價。因此,本研究由「順手」、「順眼」、「順口」三大方向探討「知覺順暢度」對食物的口感、品質與偏好的影響並進行本研究。以餐具位置與方向、餐盤尺寸、食物間隔、食物形狀、食物擺盤、飲品搭配度、水杯有無、杯把方向作為自變數,其分為四個實驗,以大學生與研究生為實驗對象,探討其各自變數間的主效果與交互作用。主要研究結果如下: 1.證實當食物形狀是圓形時,比方形有更高的口感與偏好。 2.證實當杯把方向是右邊時,比左邊有更高的口感、品質與偏好。 3.證實食物形狀與杯把方向在口感具有交互作用。 4.證實當盤子尺寸是大盤時,比小盤具有更高的口感、品質與偏好。 5.證實當餐具放置在遠距離時,比近距離位置具有更高的口感、品質與偏好。 6.證實盤子尺寸與餐具遠近距離在口感、偏好具有交互作用。 7.證實飲品搭配是冰紅茶時,比熱紅茶具有較高的口感與偏好。 8.證實食物間隔與飲品搭配在口感具有交互作用,在品質與偏好上並無顯著。;Taste could influence the food evaluation. In the past researches, not only the taste but also other senses could influene the food choice and the evaluation. In order to understand the food taste ,quality and preferences.The independent included as follows: distances and directions of utensils, dishe size, food spacing, food shape, food presenting, beverage collocation, with or without cups and the direction of knob. Four experiments were conducted in this research, graduate students and undergraduate students were the research objectives in order to explore the main effects and the interaction. 1.Consumer preferred the food with circle shape, which had better food taste compared with the food with square shape. 2.When the knob of cup was at right side, foods had food better taste and quality in comparison with the left one. 3.It had the interaction effect between the food shape and the direction of cup knob. 4.The large size plate had high food taste ,quality and preference compared with the small size. 5.If the utensil were placed far away from consumers, foods would have better food taste compared with the one placed more closer. 6.The tableware size and the distance of utensils had interaction effect on the taste and consumer preference. 7.It would have better food taste and consumer preference when the meal with iced black tea rather than the hot one. 8.There was an interaction effect between beverage and food spacing on food taste.