摘要: | 科技的進步、人口趨勢、東協國家的改變,使環境快速改變。企業為了因應此情況,國際化的趨勢開始盛行。但外派員工至海外工作卻是一件具挑戰、風險、高成本的事,企業如何透過了解員工個人意願,降低外派失敗的機率,成為一件重要的事情。先前許多學者也探討員工個人因素影響外派意願之研究,而為了整理過去文獻研究之結果,本研究透過後設分析,以了解員工個人因素影響外派意願之關係。 本研究後設分析透過關鍵字,蒐集中文、英文文獻,總共蒐集一百一十六篇文獻,排除作者未開放文獻、無相關係數表、與本研究探討員工個人因素影響外派意願架構不同、質性研究與質性訪談等五十六篇文獻後,總計有六十篇文獻納入分析。 研究結果發現:(一)性別、工作滿意度與外派意願無顯著相關。(二)教育、海外經驗、外語能力、職涯規劃、文化智商、自我效能、五大人格特質(外向性、穩定性、親和性、勤勉審慎性、開放性)、生涯定向(自主性、管理性、創造性、技術性、安全性)與外派意願呈顯著正相關。(三)年齡、婚姻狀態、工作年資與管理階級與外派意願呈顯著負相關。 ;The purpose of the study was to examine the individual factors of expatriation willingness. Because the advancement of technology, the trend of fewer children and aging society, the environment is changing rapidly. Therefore, expatriate issue is more important. However, work in oversea is difficult, and few employees want to take part, therefore, their willingness is important. Previous scholars have found the correlations between individual factors and expatriation willingness. I conducted a meta-analysis and a literature review to examine the different findings of multiple studies on the topic. The results of the meta-analysis show: (1) Gender and job satisfaction were positively related to expatriation willingness. (2) Education, international experience, language ability, career plans, cultural intelligence, self-efficacy, Big Five (extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness) and career anchor (autonomy, managerial, creativity, technical, security) were positively related to expatriation willingness. (3) Age, marital, organizational tenure and management level were negatively related to expatriation willingness. |