我國政府全力推動高科技產業,而員工可能因高度環境不確定性而感到工作負荷及不安全感,伴隨全球憂鬱症及肥胖症普及容易引發員工各種身心症狀或疾病,將影響個人或組織績效表現及發生職場安全等問題,將為組織帶來嚴重影響,而員工協助方案能夠解決員工在各方面遇到的問題,使其擁有健康身心工作,為組織帶來良好成效。 過去文獻中對於了解員工協助方案是否滿足員工需求的真實情況之探討不多,也缺乏探討兩者之間存在中介變項之研究,因此本研究將結合高科技員工之組織承諾,來分析其對於公司提供員工協助方案之實施滿意度與離職傾向的關聯性。本研究對象設定為在職中的高科技業員工,透過便利抽樣法,提供不記名之線上問卷及紙本問卷供網友或親友填寫。最終扣除無效問卷之後有效問卷為235份。 本研究分析結果顯示:(1)員工協助方案的實施滿意度與離職傾向有顯著負向關聯;(2) 員工協助方案的實施滿意度皆與情感性承諾、規範性承諾有顯著正向關聯;(3)情感性承諾、持續性承諾及規範性承諾皆與離職傾向有顯著負向關聯;(4)情感性承諾、規範性承諾皆在員工協助方案的實施滿意度與離職傾向之間距有中介效果。 本研究建議高科技業者應重視員工協助方案實施滿意度的檢視機制,將員工協助方案發展得更加完善,同時亦須設法增加員工對於組織的情感性承諾及規範性承諾,並且針對本研究限制進行後續更全面之研究。 ;High-tech industry has continually developed for these years in Taiwan, and employees easily experience stress and the feelings of unsafety in the workplace because of the high environmental uncertainty. More and more people suffer from depression and obesity, employees with depression and obesity are more likely to get physical and mental illnesses which negatively influence the individual and organizational performance. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) can help employees resolve a variety of different work/life issues, then improve individual and organizational performance. There was little literature about the satisfaction of the EAPs associated with turnover intention, also lacked the mediator analysis of organizational commitment between EAPs satisfaction and turnover intention. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the relationship between the EAPs satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. This study has collected data from employees who are working in high-tech industry in Taiwan, and 235 valid samples were returned. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) EAPs satisfaction has significantly negative effect on turnover intention. (2) EAPs satisfaction has significantly positive effect on affective commitment, normative commitment. (3) Affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment have significantly negative effect on turnover intention. (4) Affective commitment, normative commitment fully mediates the relationship between EAPs satisfaction and turnover intention. The results of this study suggest that high-tech companies should have EAPs satisfaction surveys to improve EAPs service, and try to increate employees’ affective commitment and normative commitment for organization. Moreover, it is recommended to conduct more in-depth research in the future with the limitations of this study.