隨著全球化趨勢與數位資訊時代的衝擊,金融業所面臨的挑戰也越來越大,包含 服務型態的改變以及員工感受到的科技壓力等等,都是近年相當重要的議題,但較少 針對客製化服務與科技壓力間的相關研究,因此本研究欲針對國內金融產業從業人 員,探討客製化服務對員工科技壓力及工作滿意之影響,以及自我效能在客製化服務 與科技壓力之間所扮演的調節效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法,調查對象為台灣金融產業從業人員,並以配對方式分兩 階段發放問卷,調查時間為2017 年12 月至2018 年1 月,共回收300 份有效配對樣 本。研究結果顯示客製化服務對科技壓力有負向影響;科技壓力對工作滿意度有負向 影響;科技壓力在客製化服務與工作滿意度關係中具有中介效果。希望可以透過本研 究讓企業意識到員工科技壓力存在的現象,更幫助企業了解科技壓力,進而作為內部 政策調整的基礎。;With the impact of globalization and the change of the technology information, the financial industry is facing more competition and challenges than before, including changes in service and technostress. Therefore, this study is focuses on employees in the domestic financial industry, and the purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between service customization, technostress and job satisfaction. We also examine the moderating effect of self-efficacy between service customization and technostress. This research surveyed employees in the financial industry and collected 300 valid samples. The questionnaires were obtained from December 2017 to January 2018 . The result found as below: service customization has significantly negative effects on technostress; technostress has significantly negative effects on job satisfaction; the relationship between using service customization and job satisfaction will be mediated by technostress.