現今廣告在我們生活中無所不在,而有許多企業使用擬人化來行銷或建立品牌形象,而如果當擬人化的角色不同,便會影響消費者對產品屬性或品牌的態度。本研究旨在探討不同擬人化角色(朋友/老師/父親)與不同廣告呈現方式(純文字/文字加圖片)對產品外觀屬性偏好的影響。 此外,本研究還加入了幾項可能影響的干擾變數,並以實驗法進行研究,實驗一,消費者會對不同類型的產品(享樂/功利)進行理性認知或情感導向的決策,結果表明享樂產品會使消費者更注重產品外觀。實驗二,消費者好奇心狀態也會帶來不同影響,有好奇心的消費者會做出更放縱的選擇。實驗三,受到自我肯定的消費者,會更理性客觀的評估產品資訊。這些干擾變數都可能影響消費者對產品屬性之偏好,因此本研究進一步的探討,而研究結果發現: 1. 擬人化角色對產品外觀屬性偏好有顯著影響。 2. 廣告呈現形式對產品外觀屬性偏好有顯著影響。 3. 產品類型對產品外觀屬性偏好有顯著影響。 4. 擬人化角色與呈現形式與產品類型對產品外觀屬性偏好具顯著交互作用。 5. 消費者有無好奇心對產品外觀屬性偏好有顯著影響。 6. 擬人化角色與呈現形式與消費者有無好奇心對產品外觀屬性偏好具顯著交互作用。 7. 消費者是否自我肯定對產品外觀屬性偏好有顯著影響。 8. 呈現形式與消費者是否自我肯定對產品外觀屬性偏好具顯著交互作用。;Nowadays, there are many enterprises which use the anthropomorphism as marketing strategies. Moreover, if enterprises use anthropomorphism form in different roles, it affects consumer’s attitude towards product attributes. The study aims to discussing the customer’s preference of the appearance of products how to be affected by different anthropomorphic characters (such as friends, teachers, or a father), and different kinds of advertisement (such as words only, or words with photos). Additionally, the study also adds moderator that could cause influence on the preferences of customers. Firstly, customers will make different decisions on different types of products (hedonic/utilitarian). Secondly, the curiosity of a customer will also have different influences on the preference of a customer. The customers who are curious will make choices that are more indulgent. Thirdly, the customers who are self-affirmed will evaluate a product more rationally and objectively. All of these moderator variables can all have influences on the customers’ preferences for the appearance of products. The results are as follows: 1. The personified characters have a significant effect on customers’ preferences for the appearance of a product. 2. The ways of presenting advertisements have a significant effect on customers’ preferences for the appearance of a product. 3. The types of products have a significant effect on customers’ preferences for the appearance of a product. 4. The personified characters, ways of presenting advertisements, and types of products have significant interaction on customers’ preferences for the appearance of a product. 5. Whether the customer is curious has a significant effect on the customers’ preferences for the appearance of a product. 6. The personified characters, ways of presenting advertisements, and whether the customer is curious have significant interaction on customers’ preferences for the appearance of a product. 7. Whether the customer is self-affirmed has a significant effect on the customers’ preferences for the appearance of a product. 8. The ways of presenting advertisements and whether the customer is self-affirmed have significant interaction on customers’ preferences for the appearance of a product.