摘要: | 依據性別工作平等法,我國受僱者任職滿6 個月且每一子女滿3 年可申請育嬰留職 停薪,且受雇者依法申請育嬰留職停薪,雇主不得拒絕,並不得視育嬰留職停薪為缺勤 而影響其全勤獎金、考績或為其他不利之處分。然依據2018 年勞動部公布之「105 年 育嬰留職停薪期滿復職關懷調查」,仍有8% 職業父母在申請育嬰留職停薪時遭到阻擾。 而復職後,有21%職業父母其績效受到不利影響,10.9%其工作量變多,6.6%其工作時 間變多,3.8%其薪資變低,有1.9%其職等變低。本文透過「105 年育嬰留職停薪期滿 復職關懷調查」資料中有效樣本2,958 筆,針對育嬰留職停薪復職後回到原事業單位(企 業)者,影響其個人績效及勞動條件之因素進行分析,研究結果如下: 1. 在申請育嬰留職停薪時,若受到上級主管之阻撓,對其復職後績效、職等、薪資、工 作量及工作時間有負向關係。 2. 組織規模越大,對復職後績效、薪資、工作量及工作時間越有負向關係。 3. 若育嬰留職停薪期間,企業人力因應措施為內部自行調整者,對復職後績效、 4. 薪資、工作量及工作時間有正向關係。 5. 復職計劃有變更,對復職後績效、薪資及工作量有負向關係。 6. 復職後工作不適應,對復職後績效、工作量及工作時間有負向關係。;According to the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, after being in service for six months, employees may apply for the parental leave without pay before any of their children reach the age of three. When the employee applies for the parental leave without pay, the employer may not refuse, and may not regard it as a result of absence from work, and affect adversely on the employees′ full-attendance bonus payments, performance appraisal or other disadvantages. However, according to the “Survey on Parental Leave for Raising Children, 2016” released by the Ministry of Labor in 2018, 8% of the employees were still obstructed by their employers when they applied for parental leave without pay. And after their reinstatements, 21% of the employees whose performance had been affected adversely, 10.9% of them whose workload had increased, 6.6% of them whose working hours had increased, 3.8% of them whose salary had decreased, and 1.9% of them whose job grades had decreased. This study analyzes the factors that affect the personal performance and working conditions of the employees who returned to the original company after reinstating from parental leave without pay according to the 2,958 valid samples in the “Survey on Parental Leave for Raising Children, 2016”. The finding results are as follows: 1. When an employee is applying for the parental leave without pay, it would have a negative influence on the employee′s performance, job grade, salary, workload and working hours after his or her reinstatement if the employer obstructed the application. 2. The larger the organization, the more negative the relationship between the employee′s performance, salary, workload and working time after his or her reinstatement. 3. During the period of the employee’s parental leave without pay, if the company adjusts the human resource accordingly, it would have a positive influence on the employee’s performance, salary, workload and working hours after his or her reinstatement. 4. If the plan of reinstatement had changed during the period of parental leave without pay, it would have a negative influence on the employee′s performance, salary, workload and working hours after his or her reinstatement. 5. After the employee′s reinstatement, if the employee can not adopt the work, it would have a negative influence on the employee′s performance, salary, workload and working hours. |