近年來,許多國家的二手車市場已經超過了新車的規模。然而,一些消費者在購買汽車方面經驗不足,只能憑藉著二手車商所提供的汽車歷史資訊做出購買前的判斷,但有些不肖業者往往為了提高車價,會做出竄改車輛資料的行為,如果消費者對車子較不熟悉,就只能聽信於車商所提供的維修紀錄及行車里程資訊,因此形成了資訊不對稱的狀況。 儘管過去有相關的研究提出了解決方案,但是在二手車市場中依舊存在著信息不對稱問題,交易糾紛還是屢屢發生,仍然沒有一個好的解決方案。這項研究提出了一個建構於區塊鏈框架的二手車交易網絡,希望通過區塊鏈不容易篡改鏈與信息是公開透明的特性,將車輛的交易紀錄都紀錄在區塊鏈上,藉此幫助二手汽車市場中的消費者,在做出購買汽車的行為之前,可以清楚的了解到車輛的歷史資訊,去降低二手車市場中資訊不對稱的情況發生。並且以台灣的案例說明了擬議的框架。 本研究的最後也比較了在導入區塊鏈網絡前後,對於汽車歷史資料的取得時間差異。在現今的流程中,需要跑很多不同的機構公司去申請調閱汽車歷史資料,像是保養廠、監理所、警察局、甚至保險公司等,還要提出身分證名相關表單填寫等,過程費時又費力。在導入區塊鏈後所有的查詢可以在鏈上一併完成。因此本研究透過了模擬了汽車資料調閱流程,並比較了兩者的取得時間差。 ;In recent years, the used car market in many countries has surpassed the size of new cars. However, some consumers have insufficient experience in buying cars, dishonest operation of used car dealers and imperfect market norms cause frequent transaction disputes. Because most consumers can only use the car history information provided by used car dealers to make pre-purchase judgments. However, in order to raise the price, some dealers will maliciously tamper with the data when consumers are not familiar with it, thus forming the situation of information asymmetry.
Although related research has proposed solutions in the past, there are still information asymmetry problems in the used car market, and there is still no solution. This study propose a blockchain framework to construct a used car blockchain network, hope that through the feature of the blockchain, the content on the chain is not easy to be tampered with, and the information is open and transparent. This study use case in Taiwan to illustrator the proposed framework.
In the end, this study also compared the differences in the time obtained for vehicle data after the import of blockchain network. Therefore, the process of obtaining the simulated vehicle historical data is used to compare the time difference between the two.