由於肥胖與飲食習慣有關,因此本研究應用健康信念模式,探討肥胖之自覺罹患性與自覺嚴重性,以及健康盒餐之自覺利益與自覺障礙,對於健康盒餐購買意願之間的關係,以及是否會受健身啟發涉入程度之中介效果影響。透過網路回收共320份有效樣本進行統計分析。研究結果顯示,肥胖之自覺罹患性與自覺嚴重性雖與健康盒餐購買意願成正向相關,但並不顯著。健康盒餐自覺利益與購買意願為顯著正向相關,健康盒餐自覺障礙與購買意願為顯著負向相關,並且兩者均受健身啟發涉入程度中介影響。最後針對本次研究結果,提出一些實務上的管理建議,並討論相關研究限制與未來研究方向。;As obesity is related to eating habits, the present study applied health belief model to examine the relationships of perceived susceptibility and perceived severity of obesity, perceived benefits and perceived barriers of healthy meal box, and the purchasing intention of healthy meal box. Furthermore, the possible mediation of fitspiration involvement were also evaluated. A total of 320 valid questionnaires were collected over the Internet, and statistical analysis were performed. The results showed that although perceived susceptibility and perceived severity of obesity were related to the purchase intention of healthy meal box, the relationships were not significant. While perceived benefit of healthy meal box was significantly positively correlated with purchase intention, perceived barrier of healthy meal box was significantly negatively correlated with purchase intention. Both relationships were mediated by fitspiration involvement. Based on the results of this study, practical management implications are proposed, and relevant research limitations and future research directions are discussed.