在工作繁忙、步調緊促的時代生活中,兼顧員工身心健康與生產力是企業維持競爭 力的重要關鍵。若員工壓力過大,會嚴重影響企業整體的生產力,其中最明顯的指標 就是離職率,因此本研究探討壓力源、工作與生活平衡與員工心理素質等因素,以及 其與員工離職意圖的關係。 本研究以 376 名正職員工做為研究對象,透過網路蒐集問卷,利用階層迴歸分 析,驗證工作壓力、心理資本、工作生活平衡、離職意圖等變項之間的關係。研究結 果顯示:(1)工作壓力和離職意圖之間有正向關係;(2)工作壓力和工作生活平衡有負向 關係;(3)工作生活平衡與離職意圖有負向關係;(4)心理資本與離職意圖有負向關係; (5)心理資本與工作生活平衡有正向關係;(6)工作生活平衡中介影響工作壓力和離職意 圖之間的關係;(7)工作生活平衡中介影響心理資本和離職意圖之間的關係。基於上述 研究結果,本研究提出管理實務意涵與未來研究之建議。 ;Nowadays stress is ubiquitous in daily life and at work. It causes many negative effects on employee health, well-being, and organizational productivity. This study aims to explore the relationships among job stress, psychological capital, work-life balance, and leaving intention. Data were collected and analyzed through online survey from 376 full-time employees. It is found that employees’ perceived stress is positively related to their leaving intention while negatively related to their work-life balance. Psychological capital is positively related to their work-life balance while negatively related to the leaving intention. Employees’ work-life balance is negatively related to their leaving intention. Both employees’ psychological capital and work-life balance mediate the relationship between stress and leaving intention. Based on these findings, managerial implications and suggestions for future research are thus discussed.