在快速發展的知識經濟時代,隨著人們物質生活水準的提高,傳統物質激勵模式已無法滿足新生代員工日益增長的內在需求,基於此背景,本文以職場靈性為出發點,探討職場靈性與新生代員工的管理抱負的關係,並加入工作滿意度的中介關係及前瞻型人格的調節作用。研究結果證實職場靈性及各維度與管理抱負呈現正向相關,工作滿意度在職場靈性與管理抱負間起到中介作用,工作滿意度和管理抱負的關係受到前瞻型人格的調節作用。本研究針對此研究結果提出管理意涵的討論與未來研究的建議。;This study aims to investigate the relationships among workplace spirituality, job satisfaction, proactive personality, and managerial aspirations. The mediating effect of job satisfaction and the moderating effect of proactive personality are also explored. It is found that workplace spirituality is positively related managerial aspirations. Job satisfaction mediates the relationship between workplace spirituality and managerial aspirations. Besides, proactive personality moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and managerial aspirations. Based on the findings, managerial implications and suggestions for future research are thus discussed.