摘要: | 網際網路的發展和行動裝置的普及外,加上近期新冠肺炎的延燒情況下,後疫情時代中消費者的購物方式、偏好體驗及生活模式也因此改變,不同類型的消費者需求將會陸續浮現,每個消費群體都反映了消費者的不同期望以及他們選擇消費的方式。本研究旨在透過區隔分析,找出市場上不同類型的民眾,他們對於食品消費行為背後的關鍵影響因素,主要從三個面向切入:人口統計變數區隔、食品選擇動機區隔分析以及食品消費行為區隔分析。本研究使用 SPSS 進行信度檢定、變異數分析與集群分析等方法,透過階層式集群分析法以及K-Means分析法進行分類區隔不同消費者類型。由結果發現,首先,在人口統計變數對於食品消費行為中,個人年收入、家庭年所得及地區有顯著差異,在性別以及年齡部份差異不大,因此建議使用個人年收入、家庭年所得以及地區將消費者分群。第二部分,透過食品選擇因素區隔分析可分為三群:食品選擇較不重視的購物者、食品選擇普通重視的購物者以及食品選擇較為重視的購物者,整體來說皆較為重視食品的價錢、便利性、食品風味以及易於處理的特質,而較不會在意食品和政治觀之間的關係。而第三部分,食品消費行為中透過食品購買頻率區隔分析可分為三群:食品選擇普通重視且購買頻率高的購物者、食品選擇較不重視且購買頻率低的購物者以及食品選擇非常重視且購買頻率低的購物者。最後食品消費行為中再透過食品購買金額區隔分析可分為三群:為食品選擇較不重視且消費金額低的購物者、食品選擇普通重視且消費金額普通的購物者以及食品選擇較為重視且消費金額高的購物者。本研究的結果能夠協助食品的零售業者,協助他們了解不同類型的消費者群體生活形式、消費偏好以及因素,並讓業者對於不同類型的消費者有不同的行銷策略,以後續進行決策的擬定,對於業者而言獲得競爭優勢。
;Consumers’ shopping style, preference experience and lifestyle have changed significantly due to the rapid development of the Internet and the popularization of mobile devices. The recent spread of Covid-19 also makes these changes further. My thesis aims to examine how different consumer groups reflect different expectations and needs of consumers and to discuss the key factors that can influence consumers’ food purchasing behavior.
The thesis conducted segmentation analysis through three main aspects: demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation regarding food choices motivation, and customer behavior segmentation. The approaches of reliability testing, variance analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis with K-Means technique were applied for segmentation analysis in this research. My findings show that food consumers separated by demographic variables have significant differences in personal annual income, family annual income, and region. However, there is no significant differences in the gender and age. So, it is recommended to segment customers in personal annual income, family annual income, and region. Additionally, I categorized food consumers by food choices motivation into three groups: shoppers who pay less attention to food choices, shoppers who pay medium attention to food choices, and shoppers who pay more attention to food choices. It is also worth noting that all three consumer groups value price, convenience, food flavor and ease of handling, but less concern about the relationship between food and political views while making foods choice. In the third part, food consumers categorized by food purchase frequency in food consumption behavior can be divided into three groups: shoppers who pay medium attention to food choices and with high frequency of purchase, shoppers who pay less attention to food choices and with low purchase frequency, and shoppers who pay more attention to food choices and purchase infrequently. Finally, food consumers categorized by food consumption amount in food consumption behavior can be divided into three groups purchase: shoppers who pay less attention to food choices and have a low consumption amount, shoppers who pay medium attention to food choices and consume ordinary amounts, and shoppers who pay more attention to food choices and spend a lot of money. The results of this thesis can help food retailers understand the lifestyle, consumption preferences and motivations of different types of consumer groups. Food retailers can therefore adapt various marketing strategies toward different types of consumers and make subsequent decisions, which may help them gain competitive advantage in business. |