企業在面臨整體環境的快速變遷下,需有因應之道才不會受到過多衝擊,員工的靈活度即為能否迅速應對狀況的關鍵要素,因此企業須重視員工在職場上的整體感受,不僅在物質上提供員工福利,也需重視員工的心理層面。本研究由雙元領導與個體的動機切入,探討此兩項情境因素與心理因素和員工心理賦能的關係,以期能進一步瞭解心理賦能和員工的情感承諾、敬業精神及創新行為等之間的關係。 本研究以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,共回收355份網路問卷,其中有效問卷為331份。研究結果證實雙元領導、內在動機與員工的心理賦能有正向的關係。此外,心理賦能與員工的創新行為、敬業精神、情感承諾三者有正向的關係。本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並提出管理意涵與未來研究之建議。 ;This study aims to investigate the relationships among ambidextrous leadership, intrinsic motivation, and employee’s psychological empowerment. The relationships among psychological empowerment, innovation behavior, job engagement, and affective commitment are also examined. Data are collected and analyzed from online survey of 355 participants. Among them, 331 copies of response are valid. It is found that both ambidextrous leadership and intrinsic motivation are positively related to employee’s psychological empowerment. In addition, psychological empowerment is positively related to employee’s innovation behavior, job engagement as well as affective commitment. Drawn on the findings, managerial implications and suggestions for future research are thus discussed.