本研究以277名在職員工為研究對象,透過網路問卷進行資料蒐集,使用階層迴歸分析驗證工作自主性、職場友誼、組織支持與工作敬業度等變項間之關係,並分析組織支持的調節效果與中介效果。研究結果證實:(1)工作自主性對工作敬業度有正向的關係;(2)職場友誼對工作敬業度有正向的關係;(3)職場友誼對組織支持有正向的關係;(4)組織支持對工作敬業度有正向的關係;(5)組織支持對工作自主性與工作敬業度具有調節的效果;(6)組織支持對職場友誼與工作敬業度具有中介的效果。基於上述研究結果,本研究提出管理實務上的建議及對未來研究建議。;With the rapid changes of the industrial environment, enterprises need to improve their competitiveness to meet various challenges. Fully engaged employees contribute greatly to organizational competitiveness. This study aims to investigate the effects of autonomy, organizational support, workplace friendship on employees’ job engagement. Data are collected from the distribution of online questionnaires to full-time employees in Taiwan. 277 copies of valid questionnaires are obtained and analyzed.
It is found that autonomy and workplace friendship are both positively related to employee’s engagement. Workplace friendship is positively related to employees’ perceived organizational support. Employees’ perceived organizational support is positively related to their job engagement. Besides, organizational support moderates the relationship between autonomy and job engagement. It also mediates the relationship between workplace friendship and job engagement. Drawn on the findings, managerial implications and suggestions for future research are thus discussed.