敬業度是驅動績效的關鍵因素,然而在現今多變且 競爭激烈的人才市場中,如何提高員工敬業度,使其能對工作保持活力並對組織有高度的認同感 ,成為企業的重大挑戰。而敬業行為的本質是源自於員工內在動機的驅使,涉及 心理需求和期待是否在組織中被滿足。因此,本研究從個人知覺的角度出發,探討員工感知的心理契約破壞 (psychology contract breach,簡稱 PCB)對敬業度的影響,並驗證關係適配與理性適配在兩者之間是否存在中介效果。另外, 在組織層面,我們以高績效工作系統 (high performance work system, 簡稱: HPWS)做為調節因子,探尋其對心理契約破壞與關係 /理性適配的影響,以了解高績效工作系統的黑暗面 (dark side)是否對這兩個變數產生影響。本研究 以台灣在職人員為研究對象, 透過網路問卷蒐集資料,最終蒐集 351份有效 問卷,研究結果發現: :(1)PCB負向影響員工敬業度 (2)PCB負向影響關係適配 (3)PCB負向影響理性 適配 (4)關係適配正向影響員工敬業度 (5)理性適配正向影想員工敬業度 (6)關係適配與理性適配中介 PCB與員工敬業度之間的關係 (7)HPWS在 PCB對關係適配 間不具有調節效果 (8)HPWS正向調節 PCB對理性適配的負向影響 (9) HPWS與 理性適配 在PCB與員工敬業度間有調節式中介之效果。;In today′s dynamic and competitive talent market, it is a major challenge for companies to increase employee engagement and keep them highly motivated to work and identify with the organization. The nature of engagement behavior is driven by employees′ intrinsic motivation and involves whether psychological needs and expectations are met in the organization. Therefore, this study examines the effect of psychological contract breach (PCB) on employee perceptions of engagement from the perspective of individual perceptions, and tests whether there is a mediating effect between relational and rational fit. In addition, at the organizational level, we examine the effect of high performance work system (HPWS) as a moderator on psychological contract breach and relational/rational fit to see if the dark side of HPWS has an effect on these two variables.
In this study, we collected 351 samples from current employees in Taiwan through an online questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) PCB negatively affects employee engagement, (2) PCB negatively affects relational fit, (3) PCB negatively affects rational fit, (4) relational fit positively affects employee engagement, (5) rational fit positively affects employee engagement, (6) The relationship between relational fit and rational fit mediates the relationship between PCB and employee engagement, (7) HPWS does not have a moderating effect between PCB and relational fit, (8) HPWS positively moderates the negative effect of PCB on rational fit, and (9) HPWS and rational fit have a moderating mediating effect between PCB and employee engagement.