本研究主要目的為探討投資者之風險態度對於其參與P2P借貸投資意願之關係,以投資者本身之過度自信與知覺投資價值為中介。本研究以網路問卷發放於P2P借貸平台、P2P借貸投資討論相關線上群組、及社群媒體。最終共蒐集533份有效問卷,樣本統整及分析由SPSS及AMOS軟體完成,並透過SEM完成路徑分析及假說檢定。研究結果顯示投資者之風險態度正向顯著影響其P2P借貸投資意願,並且其知覺投資價值存在正向顯著之中介效果。過度自信雖在有P2P借貸投資經驗者不具中介效果,但在無P2P借貸投資經驗者則具中介效果。並提供管理意涵、研究限制及未來建議,期許有助於P2P借貸於臺灣推廣。;The purpose of the research is to investigate the relationship between risk attitude and P2P lending investment intention, with overconfidence behavior and perceived investment value as mediators. An online questionnaire was distributed to P2P lending platform users, online P2P lending investment discussion groups, and social media. A total of 533 valid responses were retained for further analysis using SPSS and AMOS, with structural equation modeling applied for path analysis and hypotheses testing. Results show risk attitude is positively and significantly related to P2P lending investment intention. While perceived investment value is found to mediate the relationship, the mediation of overconfidence is found in people without P2P lending experience. Managerial implications, research limitations, and future recommendations are provided.