本研究主要分析當企業面臨美國國家環境保護局(EPA)訴訟案件時,是否會透過增加企業社會責任的實踐,來挽回企業形象或掩蓋不良事實,以減少負面事件帶來的衝擊,研究期間為1991-2018年,收錄於MSCI ESG KLD資料庫的公司,觀察被告與沒有被告的公司,在訴訟案件的前後期,企業社會責任上的行為差異,以及受訴訟案件衝擊較大的公司,是否更願意在事件後提升企業社會責任活動。研究結果發現受訴訟案件衝擊較大的公司,事件發生後更願意提升企業社會責任活動,而被告與沒有被告的公司在訴訟案發生的前一年,環境面向的分數是有差異的,表示環境面向的分數表現比較差的公司,被告和遭受罰款的機率會比較高,我們也觀察到在訴訟判決年和判決後一年,在公司治理上的分數也有顯著差異,表示在事件發生後,公司會在環境面向以外的地方有積極作為。我們發現在訴訟判決年到判決後一年這段期間,被告與沒有被告的公司在環境面向正面指標的變動量上有顯著差異,表示在遭受訴訟案件負面事件衝擊後,企業更傾向提升環境面向正面指標,而非減少污染,來挽回利害關係人及社會大眾的信任。最後,在觀察訴訟案件的罰款金額是否會影響到後續企業社會責任的行為中,並無顯著差異。;This study investigates whether companies will increase their investment in corporate social responsibility when they face lawsuits from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), so as to reduce the negative reputation shock. By using MSCI ESG KLD database, from 1991 to 2018, we found that the companies with poorer environmental score performances were more likely to be charged and fined ,and companies that are more affected by the lawsuit are more willing to enhance their CSR activities after the incident. While after one year of the settlement date, we found that there is a significant difference in the amount of changes in environmental-strengths, between defendants and companies without defendants. The companies with lawsuit will also increase their investment in governance score, during the period of settlement date and after one year of the settlement date. Finally, in observing whether the fine amount of the lawsuit will affect the follow-up CSR behavior, we did not find any impact. We also found that the company with the poorer the company′s growth rate is more likely to suffer a higher judgment amount.