自COVID-19疫情爆發以來,在各個面向上影響了全世界人們的生活型態。在工作場域中,因著防疫需求,企業主也大幅提高遠程辦公的比例,讓員工可以在家或者自由選擇工作地點。本研究透過實證研究探討遠程辦公、自我效能、工作滿意度與組織氣候之間的關係,並將工作滿意度區分為三個構面(員工對自我展現的滿意度、員工對自我主導性的滿意度、員工對管理方式的滿意度)、將組織氣候區分為三個構面(員工對科技的感知、員工對夥伴支持的感知、員工對職涯進程的感知)進行分析。研究結果顯示:(1)遠程辦公對自我效能具有正向關係。(2)遠程辦公對員工滿意度具有正向關係。(3)自我效能在遠程辦公和員工對自我展現的滿意度、員工對自我主導性的滿意度之間具有顯著的中介關係。(4)員工對科技的感知對自我效能與員工對自我展現的滿意度、員工對自我主導性的滿意度具有負向的調節式中介關係。(5)員工對職涯進程的感知則對自我效能與員工對自我展現的滿意度、員工對自我主導性的滿意度具有正向的調節式中介關係。;Since the outbreak of COVID-19, it has impacted people′s lifestyles in various ways around the world. In the workplace, due to the need for pandemic prevention, business owners have significantly increased the proportion of remote work, allowing employees to work from home or choose their own workplaces. This study used empirical research to explore the relationship between remote work, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and organizational climate. Job satisfaction was divided into three dimensions (employee satisfaction with self-expression, employee satisfaction with self-direction, and employee satisfaction with management style), while organizational climate was divided into three dimensions (employee perception of technology, employee perception of partner support, and employee perception of career development) for analysis. The research results reveal that: (1) Remote work has a positive relationship with self-efficacy. (2) Remote work has a positive relationship with employee satisfaction. (3) Self-efficacy has a significant mediating effect between remote work and employee satisfaction with self-expression and self-direction. (4) Employee perception of technology has a negative moderating mediating effect on the relationship between self-efficacy and employee satisfaction with self-expression and self-direction. (5) Employee perception of career development has a positive moderating mediating effect on the relationship between self-efficacy and employee satisfaction with self-expression and self-direction.