在個人意識高漲的今日,該如何同時滿足任務效率的提升,並維護部屬的尊嚴,確實為一極具挑戰的課題,員工協助方案如何引導領導效能的產出,助益企業的經營管理,是一個值得探討的機制。企業員工協助方案的運用,有助於員工在達成企業組織目標的過程中,避免更多可預期或非預期的衝突與障礙,企業組織與員工之間的心理契約所扮演的角色,更具有左右員工情緒,影響勞動狀態的可能性,良好的心理契約會讓員工協助方案的運用更具效能。 據此,本研究目的係在理解在不同個案企業的不同組織架構下,企業組織如何運作其員工協助方案以及執行方案後的可能效用,檢視企業組織與員工之間的心理契約在員工協助方案中所扮演的角色。透過深度訪談,研究發現員工協助方案的運用狀況並無好壞之分,僅有是否適合該企業的經營目的之考量。而員工協助方案運用狀況能夠歸納出兩種差異,與個案企業屬性的特質、以及個案企業在市場競爭的狀態有關。另一方面,心理契約的導入對於員工協助方案能夠提升正向效能,不論是哪一種心理契約模式,只要是員工認定企業在制度上、福利上、專業訓練上能夠給予其有有效的幫助,那麼員工協助方案的運用便可產生更好的效能。 ;How to satisfy the efficiency of task with the maintenance of the dignity of employee is a critical issue for enterprises, and employee assistance programs can be seen as a practical mechanism to reach that goal. Evidently that the application of employee assistance programs helps employees to achieve the aims of enterprise without encountering expected or unexpected conflicts and barriers. Nevertheless, how to improve the effectiveness of employee assistance programs is important. This study thus aims to understand whether the effectiveness of employee assistance programs is distinct from one and another in different industries and to see the how the role of psychological contract plays in it. By using in-depth interview, the study demonstrates that the consideration of employee assistance programs is based on the business purposes of each company, the characteristics of industries, and the situations of market competition. There is no good or bad employee assistance programs. Furthermore, psychological contract indeed plays key role in promote the effectiveness of employee assistance programs, no matter what types of psychological contract the company represents.