現今,企業在面對日益激烈的競爭環境下,如何有效地管理人才已成為一大挑戰。導師制度被視為提升員工專業能力、知識傳承、增加職場情感投入的有效策略之一。透過導師制度的建立,企業能夠積極培養並留住優秀的人才,企業與員工建立良好的關係型心理契約,並提升員工的工作投入與生產力。因此,企業在實務上應該重視導師制度的建立與執行,並建立各種措施來提升導師制度的品質,以達到導師、導生與企業三贏的目標。 本研究旨在探討知覺師徒職涯功能對關係型心理契約與員工工作投入的影響,並以師徒關係品質作為調節變項。研究採用問卷調查法,以台灣地區現職員工並具有正式或非正式導師制度經驗者為研究對象,共收回有效問卷413份。 研究結果顯示,知覺師徒職涯功能對關係型心理契約及員工工作投入皆有正向影響,關係型心理契約也在師徒職涯功能與工作投入間扮演部分中介的角色。而師徒關係品質在師徒職涯功能與員工工作投入之間具有正向調節效果。本研究的發現可作為企業實務界在推動知識管理策略及導師制度時之參考。;In today′s competitive business environment, managing talent effectively has become a significant challenge for companies. Mentorship is viewed as an effective strategy to enhance employee professional competence, knowledge transfer, and emotional engagement at work. By establishing a mentorship system, companies can actively cultivate and retain top talent, establish good relationships with employees, and enhance their work engagement and productivity. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to prioritize the establishment and implementation of mentorship systems, as well as seek ways to improve mentorship quality for a win-win-win outcome for mentors, mentees, and companies. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of perceived career-related mentorship function on relative contract and employee engagement while considering the quality of mentorship as a moderating variable. The study collected 413 valid questionnaires from current employees in Taiwan with formal or informal mentorship experience. The results indicated that perceived career-related mentorship function had a positive influence on both relative contract and work engagement, also relative contract mediated the relationship between the career-related mentorship function and work engagement. Furthermore, the quality of mentorship played a positive moderating role in the connection between career-related mentorship function and employees′ work engagement. The study′s findings provide guidance for corporate practitioners to enhance knowledge management strategies and mentorship systems.