摘要: | 在本研究中,本研究針對台灣某科技公司(以下簡稱S公司)的招募管道進行了全面分析,探討了不同招募管道對於員工留職情況、學歷、性別以及職等的影響,並提出了對公司未來招募策略的建議。透過卡方檢定的統計方法,本研究發現招募管道與員工留職情況、最高學歷及性別之間存在顯著關聯。例如,透過移工仲介招募的員工留職率較高,而透過線上招募平台招募的員工則在學歷上表現更多樣化。 本研究的研究結論指出,數字化招募管道,尤其是線上招募平台和社交媒體,在吸引年輕專業人才方面特別有效,但在招募效率、成本和時間上,獵頭服務對於職等較高和專業技術職務更為有效。研究同時發現公司在使用官方網站、就業博覽會、內部招募、傳統招募廣告及與專業協會合作等管道上尚未充分發揮潛力。本研究建議S公司應針對不同職務類型選擇最合適的招募管道,並適當利用未充分利用的招募管道以提升招募效率和多樣性。 綜合研究發現與建議,本研究提出了一系列策略調整和功能利用的建議,旨在提升S公司的招募效能,包括策略性地選擇招募管道、充分利用數位招募管道的搜尋與篩選功能、強化公司品牌形象、整合社交媒體提高招募可見度、以及進行持續的評估和調整以應對市場變化。 本研究也指出了一些限制,包括數據範圍與時效性的限制、樣本範圍的局限性、技術與平台變遷的影響、以及市場與文化的特異性等。針對未來研究方向,建議可以從跨企業與行業研究、長期追蹤研究、國際比較研究等多個角度進行深入探討。 透過本研究的發現和建議,期望能為S公司乃至於其他企業提供一個參考框架,以優化招募策略,有效吸引和留住優秀人才,促進企業長期發展。;This study analyzed the recruitment channels of a technology company in Taiwan (Company S) and examined their impact on employee retention, education, gender, and job rank, providing strategic recommendations. Chi-square tests revealed significant associations between recruitment channels and key employee metrics. For example, employees recruited through migrant worker agencies showed higher retention rates, while those from online platforms exhibited varied educational backgrounds. The research concludes that digital channels, particularly online platforms and social media, effectively attract young talents, while headhunting services are more efficient for higher-ranking and technical positions. However, Company S has not fully exploited channels like the official website, job fairs, and professional associations. It is recommended to select appropriate recruitment channels based on job type and to utilize underutilized channels for greater efficiency and diversity. This study offers strategic adjustments to enhance recruitment efficacy, including selecting channels strategically, leveraging digital tools for targeted searches, enhancing brand image, and integrating social media to boost visibility. Continuous evaluation and adjustment are vital to respond to market shifts. Limitations include data scope, sample range, technology changes, and cultural specificity. Future research could explore cross-industry comparisons, long-term effects, and international studies. This research aims to provide a framework for optimizing recruitment strategies to attract and retain talents, supporting long-term development. |