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    显示项目1251-1275 / 1445. (共58页)
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    2000-07-01 從妥善率觀點架構系統操作管理及同步工程作業(I); Planning Operation Management and Concurrent Engineering Activities of Systems Based on System Availability (I) 王國雄
    2000-07-01 渦輪葉片原型之CAD模型重建與五軸加工複製技術發展; (I) CAD Model Reconstruction and 5-Axis NC Reproduction for Turbine Blade Prototypes (I) 賴景義
    2000-07-01 發電機葉片逆向工程技術發展; On the Development of Reverse Engineering Technology for the Blades of Turbomachinery 賴景義
    2000-07-01 短玻璃纖維強化聚碳酸酯複合材料機械性質研究; Study on the Mechanical Properties of Polycarbonate Composites Reinforced with Short Glass Fibers 黃俊仁; 董基良
    2000-07-01 稀薄氣體自由剪力層之動量相關函數探討; The Momentum Fluctuation Correlations in Rarefied Gas Free Shear Layer 洪祖昌
    2000-07-01 結構受外力時之振動控制---理論分析; Vibration Control of a Structure Subjected to External Forces---Theoretical Analysis 黃以玫
    2000-07-01 微細孔放電加工及AFM精修加工效果之研究; Micro Hole Fabricated by Electro-Discharge Machining and the Effects on Finishing Process by AFM 顏炳華
    2000-07-01 微熱汽泡產生機制研究; Mechanism of Micro Thermal Bubble Formation 周復初
    2000-07-01 煙氣除硫(FGD)系統之腐蝕監測感知器研發; Development of a Sensor for Monitoring Corrosion in Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) 李勝隆; 林景崎
    2000-07-01 腦神經手術用機器人導引系統之發展; Development of a Robotic Navigation System for Neurosurgery 曾清秀; 曾漢民
    2000-07-01 鈹、鐵及熱處理對319鑄鋁合金疲勞及破裂韌性之研究; Effects of Be, Fe and Solution Treatment on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of 319 Al-Si Alloys 李勝隆
    2000-07-01 電腦輔助頭部手術系統; Computer-Aided System for Head Surgery 曾清秀; 陳中明; 廖漢文; 莊漢東; 曾漢民; 陳中明
    2000-07-01 磁浮線性馬達關鍵技術之研究---子計畫I:磁浮線性馬達實作研究(II); A Study of Linear Motor with Magnetic Levitation (II) 董必正
    2000-07-01 模糊系統穩定性分析 --- 參數法;+B930Stability Issues on Fuzzy Systems --- Parameters Approach 羅吉昌
    2000-07-01 熱交換器熱接管與支撐板間的磨耗分析; Wear Between the Heat Exchanger Tubes and Their Supporting Plate 黃以玫
    2000-07-01 熱張力對流與晶體結構之關係; The Effect of Thermocapillary Convection for the Structure of MgO:LiNbO/sub 3/ Single Crystal 陳志臣
    2000-07-01 適應性階次分析技術之發展及其於多轉軸系統之應用; Development of Adaptive Order Tracking Techniques and Its Application in Multi-Axial Systems 潘敏俊
    2000-07-01 鋁基複合材料之放電切斷加工及表面特性研究; Machining and Surface Characteristics of Al/sub 2/O/sub 3//6061 Al Composite Use Rotary EDM with a Disklike Electrode 黃豐元
    2000-07-01 輻射環境下之遙控自走式自動檢測及電焊機械手臂之研發---子計畫I:自走式自動機械臂之應用-自走式自動檢測及電焊機械臂之研發; The Development of an Automatic Mobile Robot for Inspection and Welding 莊漢東; 董必正
    2000-07-01 輻射環境下之遙控自走式自動檢測及電焊機械手臂之研發---總計畫及子計畫II:銲接資料庫建立及製作; The Development of a Remote Automatic Mobile Robot for Inspection and Welding under Radiation Enviro 施登士; 黃衍任; 曾清秀; 莊漢東
    2000-06-01 火箭發射噪音消除之模糊控制技術與設計 機械工程學系
    2000-06-01 最小侵入式手術用手術模擬器; Surgical Simulator for Minimally Invasive Surgery 董必正; 曾清秀; 邱文祥; 曾定章
    2000-06-01 發射系統軍品虛擬實境技術開發之策略規劃與模擬 董基良
    2000-06-01 溫度循環及溫變率大小對於電子產品之破壞效應評估 黃俊仁
    2000-06-01 電動機車關鍵技術之研發; The Key Technology Development for Electric Motorcycles 董必正; 徐國鎧; 江士標; 潘敏俊

    显示项目1251-1275 / 1445. (共58页)
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