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    顯示項目501-550 / 1664. (共34頁)
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    2014-03-11 雙重功能層柱改質黏土之製備與吸持特性研究;Preparation and Sorption Properties of Dual Functions Modified Pillared Clay 李俊福
    2014-01-29 以ZnMn2O4/Al2O3吸附劑去除氣流中硫化氫之研究; Removal of H2S from gas streams using Zn-Mn-based adsorbents 郭立峰; Guo,Li-Feng
    2014-01-24 靜電集塵式ALI暴露系統之設計、開發與評估; Design, Development, and Performance Evaluationof the ESP Type ALI System 張簡亞乾; Chien,Ya Chien Chang
    2014-01-23 異化性鐵還原狀態下非生物性汞氧化還原 作用及其對地下水水質之影響; Abiotic Redox Transformation of Hg under Dissimilatory Iron-Reducing Conditions and its Impact on Groundwater Quality 廖炳傑; Liao,Ping-Chieh
    2013-12-30 以紫外光/二氧化鈦光催化降解程序去除水溶液相內分泌干擾物質壬基苯酚之研究; Removal of an Endocrine Disrupting Chemical , Nonylphenol, from Aqueous Solutions Using UV/TiO2 Photocatalytic Decomposition Processes. 曾郁婷; Tseng,Yu-ting
    2013-12-01 以游離及固定化酵素促進難分解有機污染物與天然土壤有機質?合/偶聯反應之研究;Decontamination of soil through Enhanced formation of bound residues by isolated and Immobilized Enzymes 李俊福; 張怡塘
    2013-12-01 巨大孔徑幾丁聚醣膜之製備及其於固定化酵素之應用;Development of Macroporous Chitosan Biofunctionalized Membrane and Its Application for Reversible Enzyme Immobilization 李俊福
    2013-12-01 同時處理土壤中戴奧辛、五氯酚及汞之整合性技術開發 張木彬; 洪保鎮; 練建國; 歐陽嘉謙; 林宣宏; 張家嘉
    2013-12-01 自動化社區污水處理與回收系統之研發-MCFSBR自動監測與控制系統之開發與驗證 廖述良
    2013-12-01 利用現地嵌入式感測網絡與實驗室縮模試驗探討汞於稻田內之生地化循環與轉化機制;Using Embedded Sensor Networks (Esns) and Laboratory Microcosms to Probe Biogeochemistry of Mercury Clcying and Transformations in Rice Paddies 林居慶
    2013-12-01 奈米碳管修飾電極進行環境水質分析之先期研究(1/4) 秦靜如; 莊惠婷; 黃韻寧
    2013-12-01 東亞區域背景及長程傳輸事件氣膠觀測;On the Observation of Aerosol under Regional Background and from Long-Range Transport in East Asia 李崇德
    2013-12-01 氣懸微粒構形與密度之量測分析及應用於大氣環境監測;Development and Evaluation of a Device for Aerosol 蕭大智
    2013-12-01 結合用鈣鈦礦型觸媒及非熱電漿技術去除三氯乙烯及酚之研究;Removal of Tce and Phenol by Combining Perovskite Catalyst and Non-Thermal Plasma 張木彬
    2013-12-01 調查焚化爐周圍水稻田地土壤及作物受現地質化學與微生物影響之總汞與甲基含量變化;Geochemical and microbial controls on the levels of total- and methyl-mercury in the soil and rice plants in a paddy field in the vicinity of a local municipal solid waste incinerator 林居慶
    2013-12-01 應用觸媒/吸附劑去除實廠氣流中多重空氣污染物;Application of Novel Catalysts/Adsorbents for Removing Gaseous Multipollutants from Gas Streams 張木彬
    2013-12-01 雙重功能層柱改質黏土之製備與吸持特性研究;Preparation and Sorption Properties of Dual Functions Modified Pillared Clay 李俊福
    2013-11-11 水足跡盤查分析與節水策略-以某印刷電路板軟板廠為例; Inventory Analysis on Water Footprint and Applications of Water-Saving Strategy - A case study on a Flexible Printed Circuit Board Factory 黄裕德; Huang,Yu-de
    2013-09-27 以COMSOL Multiphysics模擬氣懸微粒於靜電集塵式細胞株暴露系統中之運動軌跡; Numerical simulation of ESP type Air-Liquid Interface (ALI) cell exposure system using COMSOL Multiphysics 方緯宸; Fang,Wei-chen
    2013-08-30 半導體及LED廢切削油泥再利用之可行性研究; Study on the reuse feasibility for waste oil sludge of cutting fluid in semi-conductor industry and light-emitting diode industry 何宜倫; yilun.he
    2013-08-23 以CuOx/ MnxCe1-xO2觸媒去除揮發性有機污染物-甲醛之研究; Catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde over CuOx/ MnxCe1-xO2 catalysts 李家維; Li,Jia-wei
    2013-08-23 以水熱法/含浸法合成之V2O5/MCM-41觸媒轉化氣流中戴奧辛、NO及汞之研究; Conversion of Dioxin, NO and Mercury from Gas Streams via V2O5/MCM-41 Catalysts Prepared with Hydrothermal Method / Incipient Wetness Technique 林辰峯; Lin,Chen-Feng
    2013-08-23 以熱裂解去除土壤中六氯苯之效率探討; Removal of hexachlorobenzene from soil by pyrolysis 林信賢; Lin,Hsin-hsien
    2013-07-30 以水熱法製備MWCNTs/TiO2及其光催化特性; Photocatalytic activity of multi-walled carbon nanotube supported TiO2 photocatalyst by hydrothermal method 陳彥地; Chen,Yan-Di
    2013-07-30 以超音波法改善快濾池空氣閉塞之研究; Use ultrasonic method to improve the problem of rapid filter air occlusion 趙俊銘; Chao,Chin-Ming
    2013-07-30 以溶膠凝膠法製備MWCNTs/TiO2及其光催化特性; Photocatalytic activity of multi - walled carbon nanotube supported TiO2 photocatalyst by sol-gel method 陳凱欣; Chen,Kai-shen
    2013-07-30 以鈰及銅改質LaNiO3觸媒行CO2/CH4重組反應之探討; Modifying LaNiO3 catalyst with Ce and Cu for carbon dioxide reforming of methane 蘇筠潔; Su,Yun-jie
    2013-07-30 桃園縣營建工程環境管理與粒狀污染物削減策略之探討; Study on Environmental Management and Strategies for Reduction of Particulate Pollutants from Construction Engineering in Taoyuan County 謝宏松; Hsieh,Hung-Sung
    2013-07-29 界面活性劑整治戴奧辛污染土壤之可行性研究; Feasibility study of using surfactants in dioxin-contaminated soil remediation 吳婉怡; Wu,Wan-Yi
    2013-07-26 利用(UV-VIS-NIR)吸收光譜分析法快速量測水中大腸桿菌之研究 謝志遠; HSIEH,CHIH-YUAN
    2013-07-26 吸附介質吸附重金屬後做為抑菌劑之可行性研究; The study of reuse mesoporous material after adsorbing metal to be antibacterial agent 李承翰; Li,Cheng-Han
    2013-07-26 國內特定事業放流水戴奧辛類化合物含量探討; Measurements of Dioxin-Like Compounds in Industrial Wastewater Effluents 李孝軍; Lee,Shiau-jiun
    2013-07-26 樹脂廢水處?再?用系統之建? 王順慶; WANG,SHUN-CHIN
    2013-07-25 工業區懸浮微粒及二氧化硫之時間特性分佈與管制-以桃園縣某工業區為例; Temporal Variations and Control of Particulate Matter and Sulfur Dioxide in Industrial Area –A Case Study of the Taoyuan Industrial Site 黃松瑞; Huang,Sung-Jui
    2013-07-25 以員工期望探討企業社會責任指標; Using Employee Expectation as A Corporate Social Responsibility Index 劉俊其; Liu,Chun-chi
    2013-07-24 以游離及固定化酵素促進氯酚化合物偶合反應之研究; Oxidative coupling of chlorophenol catalyzed by isolated and immobilized enzymes 王俐涵; Wang,Li-han
    2013-07-02 操作因子對薄膜生物反應器處理成效與溶解性微生物產物特性之探討; Effects of operational factors on trentment efficiency and soluble microbial products in Membrane 簡筑伃; Chien,Chu-yu
    2013-05-01 102年環境工程研究所(乙組)-工程數學-入學考試題 環境工程研究所(乙組)
    2013-05-01 102年環境工程研究所(乙組)-流體力學-入學考試題 環境工程研究所(乙組)
    2013-05-01 102年環境工程研究所(乙組)-環境工程概論-入學考試題 環境工程研究所(乙組)
    2013-05-01 102年環境工程研究所(甲組)-工程數學-入學考試題 環境工程研究所(甲組)
    2013-05-01 102年環境工程研究所(甲組)-衛生工程-入學考試題 環境工程研究所(甲組)
    2013-05-01 102年環境工程研究所(甲組)-環境化學與環境微生物學-入學考試題 環境工程研究所(甲組)
    2013-02-22 2011年不同來源氣團鹿林山氣膠水溶性無機離子動態變化;Dynamic variations of water-soluble inorganic ions at Mountain Lulin from different air masses in 2011 林書暉; Lin,Shu-hui
    2013-01-30 廢水中氟化物去除效率之探討;Fluoride removal efficiency of wastewater 羅鴻龍; LUNG,LO HUNG
    2013-01-29 2011年生質燃燒期間越南山羅高地和台灣鹿林山氣膠特性;Aerosol characteristics at Son La Height in Vietnam and at Mountain Lulin in Taiwan during biomass burning or non-biomass burning period in 2011 張家宏; CHANG,JIA HONG
    2013-01-28 2012年越南山羅高地生質燃燒期間氣膠特性及2003-2012年台灣鹿林山氣膠來源解析;Aerosol characteristics at Son La Height in Vietnam in 2012 and aerosol source apportionment at Mountain Lulin in Taiwan from 2003 to 2012 巫學蒼; Wu,Hsueh-Tsang
    2013-01-28 台灣都會區細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度變化影響因子、污染來源及其對大氣能見度影響;Variations of urban fine suspended particulate matter (PM2.5) from various environmental factors and sources and its role on atmospheric visibility in Taiwan 施韋羽; Shih,Wei-Yu
    2013-01-26 表面改質之多孔洞吸附介質對特定污染物吸附之研究;Formation of functionalized mesoporous silicas and factors affecting adsorption of heavy metal from aqueous solution 林玲珠; Lin,Ling-Chu
    2012-12-01 二氧化鈦/多壁奈米碳管複合材料之製備鑑定, 光催化特性, 以及微生物毒性;TiO2/MWCNT Composite Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, Photocatalytic Properties, and Microbial Toxicity 秦靜如; 林居慶

    顯示項目501-550 / 1664. (共34頁)
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