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    2019-01-29 利用台灣西南部二仁溪之階地分析探討全新世構造運動;Holocene Tectonics Inferred from Fluvial Terrace Analysis in the Erhjen River (二仁溪), Southwestern Taiwan 哈帝斯; Hadis
    2019-01-25 台灣西南部中寮隧道北端旗山與龍船斷層帶構造特性研究;Characteristics of the Chishan and Lungchuan Faults exposed around the north end of Zhongliao Tunnel, Southwestern Taiwan 藺于鈞; Lin, Yu-Chun
    2019-01-22 不同排水條件下高嶺土的速度相依摩擦特性及溫度測量;Velocity-dependent frictional properties of kaolinite clay under different drainage conditions with temperature measurement 潘克頁; Viet, Pham Quoc
    2019-01-22 利用質點傳輸進行三維離散裂隙含水層內之化學反應傳輸模擬;Particle tracking approach to model chemical reaction transport in 3D discrete fracture networks 方譚; Thanh, VU Phuong
    2019-01-22 雨量誘發山崩潛感分析及驗證-以台灣曾文水庫集水區為例;Rainfall Triggered Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Validation in the Zengwen Reservoir Catchment, Taiwan 傳創; Hieu, Truong-Tran Hoai
    2019-01-22 海底地滑:台灣西南海域手掌海脊個案研究;A Submarine Landslide Case Study from Palm Ridge, Offshore Southwestern Taiwan 凡古源; Van, Nguyen Trong
    2019-01-03 以離散元素法模擬苗栗出磺坑地區構造演育與裂隙分布評估;Study of Structural Evolution and Fracture Distribution through Distinct Element Method in Chuhuangkeng Area, Miaoli 陳彥如; Chen, Yen-Ju
    2018-08-22 利用CT影像分析台灣西部濱海地區砂岩水力參數尺度效應;Use CT images to assess the scale effect and variations of hydraulic parameters of sandstone samples in western coastal area of Taiwan 伍韻安; Wu, Yun-An
    2018-08-21 石門水庫集水區颱風事件下之山崩、土壤沖蝕及泥沙遞移特性;Landslide, soil erosion and sediment delivery under different typhoon events in the Shihmen reservoir catchment basin 吳沛恩; Wu, Pei-En
    2018-08-21 考量水質、含水層衝擊與土地利用資訊之多標的地下水使用區域管理;Zonal management of multi-purposes groundwater utilization based on water quality, impact on the aquifer and information of land use 許文碩; Hsu, Wen-Shuo
    2018-08-21 考慮不同鏈衰變反應途徑的多物種傳輸解析解模式;Multispecies transport analytical model with different chain decay reaction pathways 張正弘; Chang, Cheng-Hung
    2018-08-21 考慮尺度延散與限制速率吸附之多物種傳輸解析解模式;Analytical model for multispecies scale-dependent dispersive transport subject to rate-limited sorption 張峻暟; Chang, Chun-Kai
    2018-08-20 台灣山區測高曲線特徵及其積分值之尺度相依特性;Characteristic of hypsometric curve and scale dependency of hypsometric integral in mountain region of Taiwan 李芝妤; Li, Jhih-Yu
    2018-08-20 受非平衡吸附影響下滲透性反應牆-含水層 雙區系統中多物種傳輸解析解模式;Analytical model for multispecies transport in a permeable reactive barrier- aquifer system subject to nonequilibrium 吳士愷; Wu, Shih-Kai
    2018-08-17 應用雷達影像分析地質災害的特性與時空分佈;Application of radar images to analyze the characteristics and the spatiotemporal distribution of geologic hazards 盧志恒; Lu, Chih-Heng
    2018-08-17 觀新藻礁有機質沈積特性研究;Depositional Characteristics of Organic Material in Guanxin Algal Reef, NW Taiwan 謝譯涵; Shieh, Yi-Han
    2018-08-08 氣候變遷與土地利用對桃園台地跨流域水資源調配之區域水平衡影響;The influence of climate change and land use on the water balance of the trans-basin water allocation area in Taoyuan tableland 江慧群; Chiang, Hui-Chun
    2018-08-01 利用岩心之孔隙率及滲透率量測結果推算孔隙率與滲透率隨深度之變化 林秀俊; Lin, Hsiu-Chun
    2018-07-26 台灣紅菜坪地滑區崩積層材料摩擦特性與受震運動特性分析;Frictional and kinematical characteristics of the Hungtsaiping landslide, Taiwan 陳羽甄; Chen, Yu-Chen
    2018-07-20 菱鐵礦於高壓下電子自旋態轉變與熱傳導率之研究;Spin transition and thermal conductivity of (Fe0.78Mg0.22CO3) siderite under high pressure 趙耕賢; Chao, Keng-Hsien
    2018-07-17 第四紀台灣東部沿海強海浪事件調查;Investigation of Strong Sea Wave Events on the Eastern Coast of Taiwan in the Quaternary Period 安亞拉; Laksono, FX. Anjar Tri
    2018-07-12 海岸山脈南段泰源盆地之有機地化特徵 張宏浩; Chang, Hong-Hao
    2018-01-30 利用迴歸克利金法評估濁水溪流域地下水位與補注的時空交互作用;Implementation of Regression Kriging method to assess spatial-temporal interactions between groundwater levels and recharge in Choushui River Basin 寧古蘭; Nainggolan, Lamtupa
    2018-01-30 楔型滑動擬動態與動態分析-由剛性至變形塊體假設;Static and dynamic analysis of earthquake-triggered wedge failure – from rigid to deformable wedge 阮氏鳳; Phuong, Nguyen Thi
    2018-01-30 應用多時域雷達干涉技術於於台灣屏東平原沿海區域測量抽水引致地層下陷;Implementation of Multi-Temporal InSAR to assess pumping induced land subsidence near the coastal line of Pingtung Plain, Taiwan 歐司瓦; Sitanggang, Oswald R.

    Showing items 101-125 of 378. (16 Page(s) Totally)
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