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    2016-08-29 吸附汞之三價鐵礦於生物還原溶解過程中元素汞的生成與移動潛勢;Reductive dissolution of mercury-bearing iron(III) (oxyhydr)oxides by dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria and the potential to mobilize mercury in its elemental form 王詩芸; Wang,Shih-Yun
    2016-08-26 汞於脫硝狀態下之氧化還原作用;Mercury redox transformations under denitrifying conditions 李靖婷; Li,Jing-Ting
    2016-08-25 掩埋場滲出水環境之汞甲基化潛勢探討;Investigation of mercury methylation potential in the landfill leachate environment 徐志昆; Hsu,Chih-Kun
    2016-07-29 中小型燃煤鍋爐粒狀污染物、硫氧化物及氮氧化物經串聯控制設備後之去除效率探討研究-以桃園市為例;The removal efficiencies of pollutants emitted from coal-fired boilers under different control strategies - A case study of Taoyuan City 張文權; Chang,Wen-Chuan
    2016-07-28 以游離酵素促進土壤中氯酚化合物偶合反應之研究;Oxidative coupling of chlorophenols catalyzed by isolated enzymes 陳姿蒨; Chen,Zih-Chien
    2016-07-26 2014年鹿林山氣膠水溶性無機離子短時間動態變化特性;Short-term dynamic variations of aerosol water-soluble inorganic ions at Mountain Lulin in 2014 蔡承佑; Tsai,Chen-Yu
    2016-07-25 環境教育對桃園市清潔隊員環境素養之影響-以中壢區中隊為例;The Effect of Environmental Education on the Environmental Literacy of the Cleaning Squadron Members-Taking the Squadron of Zhongli District as an Example 戴興南; Dai,Xing -Nan
    2016-07-22 無機鹽類在碳氣凝膠電容去離子系統中之競爭吸附;A study of competitive adsorption of inorganic salts by carbon aerogel-based capacitive deionization system 鄭為元; Cheng,Wei-Yuan
    2016-07-20 氣相層析三段四極柱串聯質譜儀應用於多溴二苯醚環境樣品之分析;Application of Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS-QqQ-MS) for the Analysis of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) 詹凱博; Chan,Kai-Po
    2016-06-17 固定化微藻去除廢水中氮磷之研究;Study on the Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Wastewater by Immobilized Microalgae 湯蕾; Tang,Lei
    2016-05-25 2015年中南半島近生質燃燒源與煙團傳輸氣膠特姓;Aerosol Characteristics of Near-source Biomass Burning in Indochina and in Long-range Transported Plume in 2015 莊仲霆,; Chuang,Chung-ting
    2016-04-21 以三相碳酸化系統探討還原碴封存二氧化碳 之研究;The Study on Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide by Reductive Slag in a Three-Phase Carbonation System 簡芳瑜,; Chien,Fang-Yu
    2016-01-30 氣懸微粒質量分析儀應用於環境監測之效能與可行性評估;Performance and Feasibility Evaluation of APM on Application of Ambient Measurements 戴于鈞; Yu-chun-Tai
    2016-01-26 利用碳氣凝膠紙電容吸附處理水中銨離子之研究;The removal of ammonium ion via the capacitive deionization using the carbon aerogel electrodes 許琇茹; HSIU-JU,HSU
    2015-12-02 研究微粒帶電性質與呼吸毒性之關聯: 以小鼠暴露奈米黑碳微粒實驗為例;Inhalation Exposure Study of Soot Nanoparticles with Positive, Neutral and Negative Charges in Mice 沈妤芳; Shen,Yu-Fang
    2015-10-23 In Situ Measurements of CCN Activity and Aerosol Optical Properties at Biomass Burning Source and Receptor Regions 葉威成; Ye,Wei-Cheng
    2015-10-22 以數值模擬分析狹縫型虛擬衝擊器之效能;A CFD Study of Effects of Flow and Geometrical Parameters on Slit Virtual Impactor Performance 張博凱; Chang,Po-Kai
    2015-08-28 利用生物性聚合物交聯所成穿透式網絡結構穩定污染土壤中之重金屬(鉛、鉻、鎘);Stabilization of Lead, Chromium, and Cadmium in Contaminated Soil Using Crosslinked Biopolymers with Interpenetrating Network Structures 戴欣姿; Tai,Hsin-tzu
    2015-08-28 農畜固態廢棄物厭氧共消化之探討 陳榮星; Chen,Jung-hsing
    2015-08-27 2011-2015年台灣都會區細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)成分濃度變化、污染來源推估及對能見度影響 許家綺; Hsu,Chia-chi
    2015-08-27 NSR觸媒結合電漿技術去除NOx之研究;Combining catalysis and non-thermal plasma over a perovskite-like catalyst for NOx storage and reduction 彭瀚萱; Peng,Han-Hsuan
    2015-08-27 以釩鈦SCR觸媒轉換元素汞及去除NO與Dioxin之效率探討;Conversion and reduction of multipollutant (Hg0/NO/dioxin) by V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalysts from simulated flue gas streams of coal-fired power plant 徐瑋廷; Hsu,Wei-Ting
    2015-08-27 動物性食用油管制制度之研究;The study of animal oil management system 沈芳齡; Shen,Fang-lin
    2015-08-26 以加氫脫氯方式降解液相OCDD/F之效率及控制參數探討;Removal of liquid-phase OCDD/F by catalytic hydrodechlorination 劉美辰; Liu,Mei-chen
    2015-08-26 藉由非抗性模式細菌對鎘之攝取機制探討量子點的生態毒性潛勢;Probing the Potential Ecotoxicity of Quantum Dots through the Investigation of the Microbial Cadmium Uptake Mechanism 許育瑄; Hsu,Yu-hsuan
    2015-08-25 以二氧化鈦/單壁奈米碳管複合材料修飾玻璃碳電極進行COD之伏安法分析;Using the TiO2/SWCNTs composite modified GCE to analyze COD by voltammetry method 黃韻寧; Huang,Yun-Ning
    2015-08-25 結合鈣鈦礦型觸媒及非熱電漿技術去除氣流中酚之研究 陳岱羚; Chen,Dai-Ling
    2015-08-24 無塵室揮發性有機氣體異味調查探討 -以某晶圓級封裝廠為例;Investigation of the Source and Distribution of Volatile Organic Compounds in Clean Rooms of a Wafer Level Packaging Factory 應志霖; Ying,Chih-Lin
    2015-08-19 細胞固定化影響厭氧氨氧化程序脫氮效能之研究;Effects of cell immobilization on the nitrogen removal performance by ANAMMOX 張祐鈞; Yu-Chun
    2015-08-13 以高溫熔融還原法回收不銹鋼集塵灰中鉻與鎳之效益探討;Recovering Cr and Ni from EAF Dust by Electric Smelting Reduction Furnace 徐德弦; Hsu,Te-Hsun
    2015-07-30 建立量測水位、MLSS濃度與SS濃度及污泥沉澱速度光學量測裝置之研究;The development of optical measurement water level, MLSS concentration, SS concentration, and sedimentation velocity technique 耿士凱; Keng,Shi-Kai
    2015-07-27 晶圓表面處理製程作業區勞工職業暴露與健康風險評估;Labor Occupational Exposure and Health Risk Assessment of Wafer Surface Process 林家麟; LIN,JIA-LIN
    2015-07-27 運用金奈米粒子/單壁奈米碳管複合材料修飾電極進行砷(ІІІ)之伏安法分析;Voltammetric determination of arsenic (ІІІ) using gold nanoparticles / single walled carbon nanotubes composite-modified electrode 張雅雯; Chang,Ya-wen
    2015-07-24 以去官能基化二氧化鈦/單壁奈米碳管複合材料修飾玻璃碳電極進行COD之伏安法分析;Using the defunctionalized TiO2/SWCNTs composite modified GCE to analyze COD via voltammetry 盧怡君; Lu,Yi-chun
    2015-07-23 製備金奈米粒子/多壁奈米碳管修飾玻璃碳電極汞(Ⅱ)之循環伏安法分析;Determination of mercury(Ⅱ) using gold nanoparticles/ multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite modified glassy carbon electrode via cyclic voltammetry 莊惠婷; Jhuang,Huei-ting
    2015-07-22 校園植物調查及分類在環境教育上的意義 —以桃園市兩所國中為例;Campus Plant Survey and Classification on Environmental Education Implication—Take Two Junior High Schools in Taoyuan City for An Example 唐筱嵐; Tang,Hsiao-lan
    2015-07-21 高濃度氫氟酸廢液回收製備氟化鈣之研究-以結晶矽太陽能電池廠為例;The Study of synthesis Calcium Fluoride Using The High-concentration Hydrofluoric Wastewater - A Case Study of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Factory 楊學明; Yang,Hsung-Ming
    2015-07-20 低揮發性有機化合物競爭揮發之研究;Competition volatilization of low volatility organic compound 陳薏安; Chen,Yi-An
    2015-07-20 高層建築大樓室內空氣品質之探討-以某企業大樓為例;The Study of Indoor Air Quality on High-riser – A Case Study of X Company 陳宏碩; Chen,Chris
    2015-07-16 高階製程安全管理架構;High Level Framework for Process Safety Management 鄭鈞蔚; Cheng,Chun-Wei
    2015-07-13 不同化學改質之廢印刷電路板對重金屬吸附之研究;The adsorption of heavy metals by different chemical modified waste printed circuit board 卜尹芝; Pu,Yin-chih
    2015-07-08 雙重功能層柱改質黏土之製備與其吸持特性之研究;Preparation and sorption properties of dual functions modified clay 陳誼庭; Chen,Yi-Ting
    2015-07-07 應用與比較靜電式氣液介面暴露系統與沉浸式暴露法於奈米銀毒性測試結果;Evaluation and comparison of ESP-ALI exposure system and submerged method for AgNPs toxicity test 林子皓; Lin,Zi-Hao
    2015-06-16 利用碳氣凝膠紙對硝酸根離子進行電容去離子之研究;The removal of nitrate via the capacitive deionization using carbon aerogel electrodes 李岳青; Li,Yueh-Ching
    2015-05-18 巨大孔徑幾丁聚醣膜之製備及其固定化酵素之研究;Development of Modified Macroporous Chitosan Membranes for Enzyme Immobilization 楊文儀; Yang,Wen-yi
    2015-04-14 連續流循序批分式活性污泥自動控制系統之建立;An automation system of Continuous-Flow Sequencing Batch Reactor 陳政廷; Chen,Cheng-Ting
    2015-03-02 固定床管柱實驗探討淨水污泥吸附含磷廢水之研究;Fix-bed column studies on the adsorption of phosphate containing wastewater by water treatment plant sludge 陳虹君; Chen,Hung-Chun
    2015-01-28 以淨水污泥灰及廢玻璃為矽鋁源合成MCM-41並應用於重鉻酸鹽吸附之研究;Adsorption of Chromate by MCM-41 Synthesized Using Water Purification Sludge Ash and Waste Glass as the Source of Silicate and Aluminum 吳政育; Wu,Zheng-Yu
    2015-01-28 鄰近汞排放源之水稻田受現地地質化學與微生物影響之甲基汞生成與累積作用 -以台中火力發電廠為例;Probing the biogeochemical processes of methylmercury formation and accumulation in the paddy system in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant station 宿彥彬; Su,Yen-Bin
    2015-01-28 鄰近汞排放源之水稻田受現地地質化學與微生物影響之甲基汞生成與累積作用-以北投垃圾焚化爐為例;Probing the biogeochemical processes of methylmercury formation and accumulation in the paddy system in the vicinity of a municipal solid waste incinerator 張惟竣; Chang,Wei-Chun

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