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    2024-09-30 破壞雷射電漿尾場加速之衝擊波前沿注入電子束之對稱性以產生線偏振 X 光源;Generation of Linearly Polarized X-rays via Asymmetric Electron Beam Injection at the Shock Front in Laser Wakefield Acceleration 黃崧瑋; Huang, Sung-Wei
    2024-08-20 Development of DFT-Based Spin-Orbit Torque Calculations in Magnetic Heterostructures 黃寶輝; Huang, Bao-Huei
    2024-08-19 Photo-induced Force Nanospectroscopy of Infrared Surface Modes, Application to Silicon Carbide 吳冠廷; Wu, Kuan-Ting
    2024-08-16 利用光譜分析在層冰中由真空紫外光所誘發的能量傳遞;Spectrally Resolved VUV Photoinduced Energy Transfer in Layered Ices 黃竣琦; Huang, Chun-Chi
    2024-08-15 Electron-induced diffusion within astrophysical layered ices 李俊逸; Lee, Chun-Yi
    2024-08-15 Temperature Dependence of Effective Sites in Water Ice and Carbonaceous Dust Interactions 徐衍裕; Hsu, Yen-Yu
    2024-08-15 雷射驅動相干性硬 X 光源的亮度增強;Brightness enhancement of laser driven coherent hard X-ray source 蔡承諭; Tsai, Cheng-Yu
    2024-08-09 在超導電路中開發基於電磁誘發透明的微波量子記憶體;Developing Microwave Quantum Memory Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Superconducting Circuits 朱凱翊; Chu, Kai-I
    2024-07-31 Bacterial chemotaxis in random environment 黃允德; Huang, Yun-De
    2024-07-30 Large-volume Microwave Cavity Design for the Taiwan Axion Search Experiment with Haloscope 吳秉宜; Wu, Ping-I
    2024-07-30 利用LC電路開發低質量軸子探測器;Developing a Low-Mass Axion Detector Using an LC Circuit 邱柏齊; Chiu, Po-Chi
    2024-07-30 基於電磁誘發透明的量子薛丁格方程式模擬器;Quantum Schrödinger Equation Simulator based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency 邵詳崴; Shao, Siang-Wei
    2024-07-29 Probing bacteria single-cell membrane potential by a genetically encoded voltage indicator 莊蕎蓁; Chuang, Chiao-Chen
    2024-07-29 月球碰撞閃焰觀察系統之設立及資料處理分析 賴諺平; Lai, Yan-Ping
    2024-07-27 利用"紅色火龍果"開發板研究銣原子光鐘超精細躍遷;Using the "red pitaya" development board to study the rubidium atomic optical clock transition 李奇; Lee, Chi
    2024-07-26 鈀鈷薄膜中異常霍爾效應符號翻轉行為與其介面 之磁特性研究;The Sign Reversal of Anomalous Hall Effect and the Interfacial Magnetic Properties in PdCo Thin Films 賴誼峰; Lai, Yi-Feng
    2024-07-26 摻雜磁性元素(Fe、Co和Ni) 研究磁場對NVP電池性能影響 黃智鋒; Huang, ChihFeng
    2024-07-25 探索星系團中成員星系的空間分辨運動學;Exploring Spatially Resolved Kinematics of Member Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters 譚學深; Tam, Hok-Sum
    2024-07-23 Complex one-dimensional motion in complex soft matter systems 羅振宇; Lo, Jen-Yu
    2024-07-19 Hydrodynamics and spontaneous flow of active permeating polar gels 王信傑; Wang, Xin-Jie
    2024-07-16 於高真空中量測銫原子6S1/2 - 6D3/2 雙光子躍遷頻率;Frequency Measurement of Cesium 6S1/2 - 6D3/2 Two-Photon Transition in High Vacuum 張家維; Chang, Chai-Wei
    2024-07-11 Entropy production and Information rates in non-equilibrium network dynamics 湯偉佑; Tang, Wei-You
    2024-07-10 Molecular Dynamics and Metadynamics Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Structural Properties and Intrinsic Chirality of Metallic Clusters within the Density Functional Based Tight-Binding Theory 林仲杰; Chiat, Lim Chong
    2024-07-10 二維材料連接模板電化學;2D Materials Junction-Templated Electrochemistry 拉達; Raman, Radha
    2024-07-09 透過光學微影發展約瑟夫森接面製程以製作參量放大器 陳威宇; Chen, Wei-Yu
    2024-07-09 熱電材料(Ge0.86Sb0.08Bi0.06)Te的聲子交互作用;Extended Brillouin zones from phonon cross-talks in thermoelectric (Ge0.86Sb0.08Bi0.06)Te 吳順吉; Wu, Shun-Ji
    2024-07-04 Calibration Study of Low-Noise Detection Chain for Axion Haloscope Search 劉瀚文; Liu, Han-Wen
    2024-07-02 使用磁屏蔽罩以及紅外光吸收塗層改善量子超導電路之性能;Improving Performance of Superconducting Quantum Circuits by Magnetic Shielding and Infrared Absorbing Coatin照 張文庭; Chang, Wen-Ting
    2024-06-29 Bosonization and Schwinger model in 1+1-dimensional charged black holes 林家宏; Lin, Jia-Hong
    2024-06-26 Impact of Individual Variants in Cell Lengths on the Dynamics of Bacterial Swarming 邱雁; Chiu, Yen
    2024-06-26 多孔矽沿蝕刻方向的光學性質探討;Study for optical properties of porous silicon along etching direction 葉家榕; Yeh, Chia-Jung
    2024-06-25 由電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法與氯化物前驅物製備之鍺與矽薄膜應用於太陽能電池技術之發展 楊友東; You-Dong-Yang
    2024-06-20 長鏈被動粒子浸於主動群泳菌落的結構動力學;Configuration dynamics of long passive filaments immersed in swarming bacteria bath 徐嘉駿; Shiu, Jia-Jiun
    2024-06-13 Magnetic shielding of Josephson parametric amplifier for axion searching experiment with haloscope 賴紹白; Lai, Shao-Bai
    2024-04-29 雙頭平面PET系統的影像重建與質子治療中的深度學習應用"Image Reconstruction for Dual Head Plane PET System and Deep Learning Based Application in Proton Therapy 爾拉; Rahman, Atiq Ur
    2024-01-31 Search for H-> γ*γ->μμγ with Full Run-2 Data at the LHC using the CMS Detector 米亞當; Villamoran, John Adams S.
    2024-01-31 以第一原理計算探討應力下之複雜氧化物;First-Principles investigations for complex oxides under stress 黃聖杰; Huang, Sheng-Chieh
    2024-01-23 使用 CMS 探測器測量 √s = 13 TeV 質子-質子碰撞中 Z γ 產生截面;Measurement of the Zγ production cross-section in proton-proton collision at √s = 13TeV with the CMS detector 龍考弗; Hoa, Cao Phuc Long
    2024-01-15 Searches for Higgs pair production and probing the Higgs self-couplings in the HH→bbττ decay channel at the ATLAS Experiment and performance studies for the High-Granularity Timing Detector for ATLAS phase-2 upgrade 李杉拉; Ali, Shahzad
    2024-01-15 利用數值方法模擬雷射與離子交互作用產生水窗波段之高階諧波;Numerical Simulation of Ion-Based Water-Window High-Harmonic Generation 陳盈珊; Chen, Ying-Shan
    2024-01-11 建立於脈衝雷射沉積功能層和介面層及最佳化陽極基板之高性能中溫質子型固態氧化物燃料電池;High-performance intermediate-temperature protonic-solid oxide fuel cell made of pulsed-laser deposition-based functional layers and interlayers on an optimally tailored anode substrate Umer, Muhammad Abdullah; Umer, Muhammad Abdullah
    2024-01-02 單層至雙層二硫化鎢合成機制之探討與單層的缺陷調控;Revealing the Synthesis Mechanism of Tungsten Disulfide from Monolayers to Bilayers and the Defect Manipulations on Monolayers 王渝涵; Wang, Yu-Han
    2023-12-21 Aliivibrio fischeri in Motion 莊翔淯; Zhuang, Xiang-Yu
    2023-11-16 Screw dislocations in the transient relaxation of confinement-induced layering of Yukawa liquids after quenching 張允瑄; Zhang, Yun-Xuan
    2023-11-15 揭露扭曲雙層石墨烯的生長機制:層間和層內相互作用;Unveiling the Growth Mechanism of Twisted Bilayer Graphene: Interlayer and Intralayer Interactions 朱哲門; Chu, Che-Men
    2023-10-31 半经验赝势方法用于二维材料;Semiempirical Pseudopotential Method for Two Dimensional Materials 柯莫; PAUDEL, RAJ KUMAR
    2023-10-19 J-PARC E16實驗之GEM軌跡探測器位置解析度與效率分析;Evaluation of position resolution and efficiency for GEM tracker in J-PARC E16 experiment 王柏閎; Wang, Po-Hung
    2023-10-05 Dedicated photon identification for H ⭢ Zγ with the CMS detector at √ s = 13 TeV 沈聿陞; Shen, Yu-Sheng
    2023-10-03 一氧化二氮冰晶在真空紫外光照射下其生成溫度對耗散截面的影響;Effect of Deposition Temperature on the Depletion Cross-Section of N2O Ice under VUV Irradiation 陳映瑄; Chen, Ying-Hsuan

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