本研究擬以「解題導向式教學」提供大學學伴進入線上教學,並討論該模式對於學生的學習動機與學習成效之影響。研究分作研究一與研究二,課程活動時間為2010年10月01日至2011年1月7日,以及2011年3月7日至6月17日。每週上課兩次,一次課程為1.5個小時。對象分別為四年級學童8名以及9名。以「自編數學學習成效測驗」、「數學學習動機量表」、「線上課輔滿意度問卷」作為研究工具。另蒐集質性資料作為分析。 結果顯示解題導向式教學期望以持續演練的方式增加學童對於數學題型的精熟程度,使小學學伴越發的夠掌握數學解題技巧,因而就本篇研究而論,此教學方式能促進小學學伴的學習成就。除此之外,在教學過程中大學學伴以鼓勵、讚美等正向溫和口吻,引領學童解釋答案,說明想法,提出問題。因此在學習動機方面因此而提昇。 以形成性評量的方式,瞭解解題導向式教學融入線上課輔數學學習成效。研究一發現解題導向式教學在總測驗以及後面三個單元的測驗結果能提昇小學學伴在數學學習上的成效。線上課輔提供一個機會,讓小學學伴能夠充分反覆練習。至研究二因應各項需求,簡化教學步驟,雖然總測驗有明顯進步,但在部份單元的數學學習成效的進步較不明顯。This study aimed to provide problem solving oriented instructions with e-tutors for cyber-synchronous learning and it examined the effects of problem solving oriented instructions on e-tutees’ learning motivation and learning performances. The study includes Research One and Research Two. Mathematics curriculums respectively started from October 1, 2010 to January 1, 2011 and from March 7, 2011 to June 17, 2011. Eight and nine fourth graders respectively participated in the after-class e-tutoring sessions for one hour and a half a course, twice per week. Researcher-produced math tests, questionnaire of math learning motivation and questionnaire of cyber-synchronous satisfaction were used as research instruments. Besides, qualitative data was also collected for analyses in the study. The results indicated that constantly drilling e-tutees to do problem solving strategies improved e-tutees’ concept of math and made e-tutees master the math problem solving skills. Thus, such kind of teaching methods could enhance e-tutees’ learning achievements in the study. In addition, e-tutors encouraged, praised, made positive comments on their e-tutees, guided them to explain answers, illustrated ideas, and addressed questions during cyber-synchronous processes. Hence, e-tutees’ learning motivation improved a lot. The use of formative assessments might help understand the effects of problem solving oriented instructions on math online tutoring. The results for Research One indicated that problem solving oriented instructions could enhance e-tutees’ math learning effects. Cyber-synchronous learning provided a good opportunity for e-tutees to make use of time to practice all over again. As for Research Two, the cyber-synchronous learning simplified the steps of learning and instruction. Although the math learners obviously progressed in general, math learning effects are not obvious in certain learning units.