摘要: | 傳統國文科教學的講述教學法,學生學習傾向背誦記憶。單向式的知識傳遞,較難促進學生自主學習與思考能力,學生閱讀學習表現受限。藉由資訊科技結合概念構圖教學,促進學生主動學習與思考,解決問題,強化人際互動,可為國文科教學所遇瓶頸,尋求解套。CoCoing.info為網路學習平台,提供學習所需的概念構圖、對話框、建立群組、檔案紀錄等,將平台的功能結合國文科學習,並以學生觀點探討線上概念構圖結合國文科教學,了解對學生閱讀學習表現之影響。本研究採用行動研究法,研究歷程分成加深與加廣兩大階段,以國中八年級50人為研究對象,將線上概念構圖融入國文科教學,並整合分析質性與量化資料,獲得不同角度之驗證。研究發現融入線上概念構圖於國文科教學,對於國文科閱讀學習表現有正向助益。根據本研究發現,提出具體建議。本研究的實施歷程及省思,有助於教師個人專業成長,以及日後實施者之參考。;Traditional Chinese teachers are used to teach their students the Chinese knowledge directly, which leads to their students learn the Chinese knowledge passively. Such kind of teaching approach is hard to help the students to learn and think independently. Technology can enhance the interactions among teachers and students. More specifically, Through the combination of technology and teaching, it can enhance the students’ learning and thinking, solving problem, and act on their own problems actively. Meanwhile, adopting technology into the process of teaching and learning can also enhance the students’ social interactions even more. Therefore, in this study, an online learning platform named CoCoing.info was adopted that provides teachers and students with concept mapping, conversation window, group creating, and file recordings functions for Chinese subject learning activity. To explore the effects of adopting concept mapping tool in the Chinese course, there were fifty junior high school students involved. The action research method was adopted to observe the teacher and the students’ learning process, and qualitative and quantitative data were collected. The author gained the different perspectives from the comprehensive analysis of the multi-party data. The results revealed that through the action research of assimilating the online concept mapping tool in the Chinese subject, the students could develop the ability of the transferable skills. Meanwhile, the implementation process and reflection from this study indicate that teachers’ professional development and the teaching experience were enhanced. |